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Multicellular organisms

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1 Multicellular organisms
Tissue Levels of organization

2 Origins of Multicellularity
Multicellular organisms first appeared 600 million years ago Arose quickly 100 million years prior to the cambrian period Two hypothesis on the origin of multicellularity Colonial hypothesis- cells of a dividing protist remained together, cell invagination formed two cell layers, supported by the colonial organization of some protozoa with radial symmetry Syncytial hypothesis- a large multinucleated protista developed plasma membranes separating into multiple cells, multinucleate bilateral ciliates support this hypothesis Animal kingdom is monophyletic and the most likely protista ancestor is the Choanocyte ( collar cell )


4 Phylum Porifera Sponges- mostly marine animals consisting of loosely organized cells No tissues or organs, 9000 species, Asymetrical or radially symmetrical, Sessile Filter feed by a series of canals and chambers thru body wall where water circulates Three Classes Calcarea- Calcium carbonate spicules, 3-4 rays Hexactinellida – Silica spicules, 6 rays, deep water sponges Demospongia- Brillantly colored, Siliceous spicules, needle or 4 rayed or spongin or both, Bath sponges





9 Sponge Anatomy Simple but more than colonies of independent cells
Division of labor- cells specialized for particular functions Pinacocytes- flat cells line outer surface, can change shape ( contraction ), can regulate water circulation Mesohyl- Jellylike layer, contains Ameboid cells which are specialized for reproduction, secrete spicules, Transport and store food, form contractile rings Choanocytes ( collar cells)- flagellated cells with a collar like ring of microvilli forming a mesh, Line inner chambers


11 Water Currents and Body forms
Water currents created by Choanocytes beating their Flagella bring food and oxygen, carry away wastes Food consists of bacteria, microscopic Algae, protists, and suspended organic matter, some deepwater sponges capture small crustaceans using spicule covered filaments Large populations of sponges help reduce turbidity of coastal waters Pinacocytes in incurrent canals may phagocytize larger food particles Sponges absorb dissolved nutrients from seawater by active transport

12 Body forms Ascon- Simplest, Vase shaped, Outer opening ostia lead to spongocoel chambers and then osculum inside exit Sycon- Folded body wall, water enters thru dermal pores to incurrent canals then to radial canals with choanocytes, exits to spongocoel and out osculum Leucon- Extensively branched canal system, water enters thru ostia to branched canals to choanocyte lined chambers, multiple exit points osculum


14 Body Functions No nerve cells so reactions result from cells responding to a stimulus Water circulation minimal at sunrise and maximum at sunset, light inhibitits constriction of pinacocytes Water circulation can cease suddenly, choanocytes stop together Internal communication is present by chemical messages

15 Reproduction Most sponges Monocious, both sexes, no self fertilization, produce egg and sperm at different times Some choanocytes can loose collar and flagella, or ameboid cells undergo meiosis and form sperm or eggs Choanocytes capture sperm and transport it to egg, early development in mesohyl, Flagellated larva blastula released, 2 days settles to bottom, turns inside out Asexual reproduction, release gemmule capsules of ameboid cells, Fragmentation of adult



18 Cnidarians Radial or Biradial symmetry, no anterior or posterior, direction based on mouth position, oral mouth and aboral opposite Over 9000 species mostly marine, important ecosystems ( coral Reefs ) No Brain, nerve net system Gastrovascular Cavity Diploblastic tissue layers, Epidermis and Gastrodermis, mesoglea (jelly) in between

19 Cnidarian Anatomy Ectoderm, epidermis- protection, food gathering
Endoderm, gastroderm- coordination, movement, digestion, absorption and reproduction Mesoglea- Jelly Layer, May be noncellular or contain wandering mesenchyme cells.

20 Cnidocytes Found in epiderm and gastroderm, 30 types
Used for attachment, defense and feeding Cnidia- fluid filled intracellular capsule attached to a hollow tube Operculum- lidlike cap on cnidia Cnidocil- modified cilium trigger discharges ( harpoon ) using water pressure Nematocyst- harpoon, uses spines-barbs and long tube to inject paralyzing toxins into prey, ejects from cell by inverting like a sweater sleeve


22 Scyphozoa All marine, “True Jellyfish” because dominant stage in life is Medusa Mesoglea contains ameboid cells Cnidocytes in gastrodermis and epidermis Most harmless to Humans others can cause painful stings Gastrodermal cells possess cilia to circulate seawater and digested food

23 Scyphozoa Aurelia Libiata- very common Atlantic and Pacific
A plankton feeder, cilia on bottom carry food to mouth Mouth leads to 4 gastric pouches then to radial canals out to margin of bell Rhopalium (notches) along bell contain olfactory sensory pits, statocyst and photorecptors Exhibits distinct phototaxis


25 Hydrozoan Small common cnidarians, some freshwater
Usually anchor to bottom substrate, Polyp stage dominates in most Nematocysts only in epidermis Gametes epidermal released outside body Mesoglea acellular Many have colonial polyps, specialized for feeding, budding, or defending the colony


27 Cubozoan Medusa is cuboidal, tentacles hang from each corner of bell
Active swimmers and feeders Polyp stage very small or absent Warm tropical waters “Box Jellyfish” Austrailian waters Contains photoreceptors






33 Anthozoa Include Anemones, and Stony and soft corals
Are colonial or solitary and lack Medusa Cnidocytes lack cnidocils ( triggers ) Mouth leads to pharnyx then gastrovascular cavity Mesenteries divide gastrovascular cavity into sections Mesoglea contains ameboid cells Externally show radial symmetry, internally biradial

34 Sea Anemones Solitary or large colorful colonies
Attach to solid substrate, some burrow in sand, some symbiotic relationships Attaches to substrate with pedal disk Oral disk contains mouth and tentacles Slitlike mouth ends have siphonoglyph “ciliated tract” to move water into gastrovascular cavity for hydrostatic skeleton

35 Sea Anemones cont. Locomotion by gliding on their pedal disk, crawl on sides, walk on tentacles, some swim, some float with bubble in pedal disk Feed on invertebrates and fish


37 Stony and Soft Corals Similar to Anemones, lack siphonoglyphs
Calcium carbonate cup exoskeleton secreted by epithelial cells, polyps retract into cup when threatened Symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic dinoflagellate Zooxanthellae Algae Coral provides nitrogen and phosphorous for the Algae and get carbon compounds in return Zooxanthellae promote calcium carbonate deposition

38 Stony and Soft Corals Cover 0.17% of ocean bottom hold 25% of oceans species Environmental disturbances, warm water, stress corals causing them to loose zooxanthellea and bleach Stony corals are connected to each other under the cup, can share food Florida and Bahama reefs are 60% degraded


40 Ctenophora Comb Jellies, Eight bands of cilia from oral to aboral sides for locomotion Mesoglea is highly cellular, muscle cells contained here, may be triploblastic Tentacles contain colloblasts adhesive cells to capture prey, wipe tentacles across mouth


42 Additional Considerations
Sponge and Jellyfish fossils are found in the oldest fossil deposits, the Ediacaran Formation Coral Reefs are one of the most endangered habitats on earth Coral covers 0.17% of the ocean and yields 10% of the fish caught Contribute $375 Billion to the worlds economy Corals grow very slowly, are disturbed easily

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