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 Warm-up: Maintaining a healthy weight can protect health and prevent disease. ◦ Can you identify a way in which a person’s weight can impact each side.

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Presentation on theme: " Warm-up: Maintaining a healthy weight can protect health and prevent disease. ◦ Can you identify a way in which a person’s weight can impact each side."— Presentation transcript:

1  Warm-up: Maintaining a healthy weight can protect health and prevent disease. ◦ Can you identify a way in which a person’s weight can impact each side of his or her health triangle?

2  You maintain your weight by taking in as many calories as you use.  Metabolism: the process by which the body breaks down substances & gets energy from food High-Calorie Snack Low-Calorie Snack FoodServ Size CalFoodServ Size Cal Chips1 oz.155Pretzels1 oz.108 Soda12 oz.151Water16 oz.0 Candy Bar 1.6 oz208Apple1 med. 70 Oreo3 cookie 282Granola Bar 1 oz.127 Ho - Hos 2 (3 oz.) 314Vanilla Yogurt 8 oz.193

3  Body Mass Index (BMI) & body composition help you judge whether your weight is healthy ◦ BMI—measure of body weight relative to height ◦ Body Composition— measurement of fat weight vs. muscle weight


5 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 2010 No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%

6  Weighing Too Much ◦ 17% teens in US are obese  Obese: having an excess of body fat; BMI > 30  Overweight: BMI 25 – 29.9 ◦ Increased health risks  Heart Disease  Cancer  Asthma  Osteoarthritis  Diabetes  Gallbladder Disease  Weighing Too Little ◦ Underweight: below standard weight range  BMI < 18.5 ◦ Causes  Eating Too Little  High Metabolism  Exercising Too Much  Growing Very Quickly

7  Stay Physically Active & Eat Healthful Foods ◦ Target a healthy weight ◦ Set Realistic Goals ◦ Personalize your plan ◦ Put goals & plan in writing ◦ Evaluate your progress.

8  Healthful Ways to Lose Weight ◦ Choose nutrient dense foods ◦ Watch portion sizes ◦ Eat fewer foods that are high in fats & added sugars ◦ Enjoy favorite foods in moderation ◦ Be active ◦ Tone your muscles ◦ Stay hydrated  Healthful Ways to Gain Weight ◦ Select foods from 5 major foods groups that are higher in calories ◦ Choose higher calorie, nutrient rich foods ◦ Eat nutritious snacks ◦ Get regular physical activity

9  Helps lose/maintain weight  Added Benefits of Regular Activity ◦ Relieves stress ◦ Promotes normal appetite response ◦ Increases self-esteem ◦ Feel more energetic

10 1. What is metabolism? 2. List three health problems associated with being overweight & obese.

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