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Early Childhood PSE Best Practices Los Angeles LHD Presented by: Leyla Marandi, MPH Early Childhood Analyst Los Angeles Department of Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Childhood PSE Best Practices Los Angeles LHD Presented by: Leyla Marandi, MPH Early Childhood Analyst Los Angeles Department of Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Childhood PSE Best Practices Los Angeles LHD Presented by: Leyla Marandi, MPH Early Childhood Analyst Los Angeles Department of Public Health

2 Early Childhood Program Administered as an in-house program through our LHD. Facilitates nutrition education and obesity prevention strategies by implementing healthy site changes/policies. – Early childhood providers, parents, relevant community settings. Our target for FFY2013-14 included state preschools, Head Start programs, and license-exempt child care.

3 Main Strategies Conduct self-assessments and undertake improvements in healthy eating and physical activity policies at child care sites. Incorporate Farm to Fork or Harvest of the Month curricula. – Occidental College partnership, Farm to Preschool. Provide education and printed resources for families to promote healthy eating and active living in the home environment.

4 From Contra Costa “CHOICE Manual”


6 Training & Technical Assistance Relationship building. Leveraging NEOP resources to incentivize PSE work. – e.g. nutrition education classes, cookbooks, posters and handouts. Following up with email communications and helpful tips/resources.

7 Healthy Celebrations ABC Unified School District Childcare Centers

8 Barriers License-exempt providers are a diverse, hard to reach population  Difficulty in recruitment. – Friends, family, neighbors. State Preschool and Head Start programs have less flexibility to add additional curricula due to state/federal requirements. Frequent staff turn over in child care setting. Costs (e.g. produce or additional staff training time).

9 Facilitators Early child care community is highly invested in child development and well-being. Many families recognize childhood and adult obesity as major health problem  increasing interest in healthier lifestyle. Strong partnership opportunities with other early childhood implementing agencies.

10 Thank you! Contact Information: Leyla Marandi, MPH Early Childhood Analyst Nutrition and Physical Activity Program Los Angeles County Department of Public Health 3530 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 351-7838

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