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32140 Shifting Sands Trail CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92235 (760) 324-7586 (adjacent to Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Cathedral City)

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Presentation on theme: "32140 Shifting Sands Trail CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92235 (760) 324-7586 (adjacent to Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Cathedral City)"— Presentation transcript:

1 32140 Shifting Sands Trail CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92235 (760) 324-7586 (adjacent to Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Cathedral City)

2 What concerns you most? a PREGNANCY b HIV c Sexually Transmitted Diseases

3 What does Pregnancy mean to you? Lost Freedom More Responsibility Family Acceptance Change in Schooling? No Partying? Food & Shelter Income Single parent Child Support

4 STD & HIV Are they the same thing? STDs are infections transmitted via sex (sharing personal body fluids) and/ or the sharing of needles. HIV is also considered an STD because it is transmitted the same way, sex and/or sharing needles. Some STDs are viruses and others are bacterial. Many are treatable. HIV is a Virus - there is no cure for HIV.


6 An Overview of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic






12 Signs & Symptoms There are no signs! Once somebody begins to get opportunistic infections, they are said to have AIDS. This is the advanced stages of HIV disease. The risk of becoming infected with HIV can be virtually eliminated by not engaging in sexual activities and by not using illegal intravenous drugs.

13 HIV is a blood-borne virus Blood-borne viruses are not airborne You don’t get them from air. Blood-borne viruses are passed through blood or through body fluids that are rich in white blood cells: Semen/Sperm Blood Vaginal secretions Breast Milk

14 Fluids that don’t contain HIV: Urine Sweat Vomit Saliva Tears

15 Transmission of HIV How is it passed to others ?

16 How do you get it? People can get HIV through: Unprotected sex Sharing needles (tattoos, piercing, drugs) From mom to baby: - during the pregnancy - when they deliver - through breastfeeding Receiving blood or blood products that have the virus.

17 HIV Causes AIDS Can I get it? AIDS: A cquired I mmuno D eficiency S yndrome It is a Diagnosis - you cannot give it or get it from someone who has been given an AIDS diagnosis. Advanced stage of HIV disease. Not everyone who has HIV will progress to AIDS!


19 Why Get Tested? It is the only way to know if you have HIV. It is the only way to know if you have HIV. You can have HIV and not feel sick. You can have HIV and not feel sick. If you are involved in risky behaviors like having sex without a condom or sharing needles – get tested! If you are involved in risky behaviors like having sex without a condom or sharing needles – get tested!

20 HIV Testing……… You must be at least 12 years of age. Parent’s consent is not required. Where to go to get a test: Hospitals Medical Clinics - Planned Parenthood County Clinics Doctor’s Office Working Wonders Desert AIDS Project

21 Why get multiple tests? It takes 3 to 12 weeks (the window period) for the body to make enough antibodies to HIV for an accurate test.. 1 window period for each time you put yourself at risk Dec 2003 2. Test 3 months later 95% of people create antibodies 3 weeks to 3 months after exposure 3. Test 6 months later 5% of people create antibodies 3 to 6 months after exposure 1. Test 3 wks to 30 days after High Risk Behavior

22 What can you do to Prevent from getting HIV ?  100% ABSTINENCE (No sex)  Abstinence from injecting drugs  Abstinence from using Drugs and Alcohol  Be Monogamous - have sex with only one partner who only has sex with you and is HIV negative (Be informed ask)  Use protection- Condom/Dental Dam -Consistent and correct condom use is your safest option if having sex MMWR 2001;47:1-28

23 Take Care Of Yourself! Think ………A B C D A – ABSTINENCE - 100% B – Be faithful to your partner – and yourself C – Wear a Condom, It’s your life D – Drugs and Alcohol use may not give you HIV or STDs but it will affect your ability to make the right decisions at crucial moments If you have put yourself at risk: Get Tested!

24 What does the Center for Disease Control say about effectiveness of condom use. Correct and consistent use of a condom can reduce the risk of STD infections, including HIV. However no protective method is 100% effective and condom use cannot guarantee absolute protection against STD/HIV Not all forms of birth control can protect you against STD/HIV ( e.g. The Pill )



27 REMEMBER….. There is NO CURE! You can take medication that will help you control HIV. Prevention is the only way to make sure you are not infected. 1100% Abstinence or UUse a condom or dental dam – they’re your best protection. Not all forms of birth control can protect against HIV. Taking care of yourself is essential. Make the right choices. Think first. Get tested often! Once is not enough.

28 Resources Gilead State Office of AIDS A Positive Life CDC AIDS Info THANK YOU WORKING WONDERS (760) 324-7586

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