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Solar Oven Team Members Tim Bond, advisor tkb2 Avi Guter aag26 Kay Hoi Ki Lai kl278 Cyprienne Crowley cic8 Melissa Wrolstad mrw35 Grayson Fahrner gdf23.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Oven Team Members Tim Bond, advisor tkb2 Avi Guter aag26 Kay Hoi Ki Lai kl278 Cyprienne Crowley cic8 Melissa Wrolstad mrw35 Grayson Fahrner gdf23."— Presentation transcript:


2 Solar Oven Team Members Tim Bond, advisor tkb2 Avi Guter aag26 Kay Hoi Ki Lai kl278 Cyprienne Crowley cic8 Melissa Wrolstad mrw35 Grayson Fahrner gdf23 Morgan Rog mer44 Jack Steiner jrs95 Rachel Martin rem49 John Erickson jje24 Robert Hutchins rch29

3 Team Organization Team Leader: Rachel Martin New Designs Melissa Wrolstad Cyprienne Crowley Rachel Martin Morgan Rog Parametric Testing John Erickson Robert Hutchins Avi Guter Melissa Wrolstad Rachel Martin Cyprienne Crowley Contact Research Jack Steiner Morgan Rog Grayson Fahrner Advisor: Tim Bond Webmaster: Kay Lai Liaison to Partner Organization: Jack Steiner Meeting Secretary: Morgan Rog Financial Manager: Robert Hutchins

4 Presentation Outline Motivations Motivations Background Background Our Plan and Process Our Plan and Process Work Accomplished Work Accomplished Contacts Contacts Parametric Testing Parametric Testing New Designs New Designs Looking Forward Looking Forward Final Words Final Words

5 “Women wake up at three in the morning and walk miles to gather firewood every day. It is bone-breaking, back- breaking work.” -Hafssa The Pain Health- Health- smoke, firewood collection Safety- Safety- burns, brushfire Environment- Environment- deforestation, pollution

6 Societal Benefits Health Benefits Health Benefits no smoke no smoke no gathering firewood no gathering firewood Safety Benefits Safety Benefits no open fire no open fire Environmental Benefits Environmental Benefits no deforestation no deforestation no pollution no pollution

7 How We Can Help Accumulate Testing Data Accumulate Testing Data Create New Prototype Designs Create New Prototype Designs Accumulate Cultural Information Accumulate Cultural Information Gather Information About Contacting Gather Information About Contacting Remote Areas Supplement Current Programs Supplement Current Programs

8 Background  Past Semesters:  Three Functioning Box Cookers  Previous Parametric Testing  Moroccan Contacts and Research  Other Organizations:  SunSmiles Hybrid Oven  SEED Work in Senegal  Nicaraguan Organizations

9 Our Goal Create a Process for Implementing Solar Ovens in Developing Countries Create a Process for Implementing Solar Ovens in Developing Countries Develop Contact Develop Contact Research Contact Area Research Contact Area Design Optimal Oven for Specific Location and Use Design Optimal Oven for Specific Location and Use Develop Business Plan with the People Develop Business Plan with the People

10 Our Plan Preparation for the Process Preparation for the Process Developing Contacts Developing Contacts Parametric Testing Parametric Testing New Designs New Designs

11 Contacts How to Make Contact Contact NGO’s/Non-Profits Use University ISSO’s ESW-national Established Contacts Senegal Nicaragua Diverse Domestic International Students

12 Parametric Testing Control and Gradient Test Control Test with Water Load and Tin Foil Sides One Reflector vs. Full Reflector One Reflector vs. Full Reflector Double Paned Door vs. Single Paned Door Double Paned Door vs. Single Paned Door Black vs. Silver Pots Black vs. Silver Pots Black vs. Silver Inside Sides Black vs. Silver Inside Sides Full Depth vs. Shortened Full Depth vs. Shortened

13 Parametric Testing

14 TestChoice 1 Reflector Panel vs. 4 Panels4 Single Pained Glass vs. Double PainedDouble Metallic Pot vs. Black PotBlack Shiny Sides vs. Black SidesShiny Shortened Oven vs. Full HeightInconclusive

15 Parametric Testing Problems: Problems: Low Solar Altitude Low Solar Altitude Cold Ambient Temperatures Cold Ambient Temperatures Wind Wind Faulty Thermocouples Faulty Thermocouples Future Suggestions: Future Suggestions: Test in Partner Countries Test in Partner Countries Test Indoors with Simulated Sunlight Test Indoors with Simulated Sunlight Maintain and Check Equipment Maintain and Check Equipment Computer Simulation of Solar Cooker Computer Simulation of Solar Cooker

16 New Designs Tire Cooker Tire Cooker Cone Cookers Cone Cookers Parabolic Cooker Parabolic Cooker Cardboard Cooker Cardboard Cooker Trough Cooker Trough Cooker

17 New Designs

18 Problems: Problems: Wind Wind No Time to Test and Iterate No Time to Test and Iterate Prototype Problems Prototype Problems Solutions: Solutions: Test in Contact Country Test in Contact Country Rebuild and Redesign for Sturdiness Rebuild and Redesign for Sturdiness Test and Iterate Test and Iterate

19 Work Summary

20 Looking Forward Test and Iterate New Designs Test and Iterate New Designs Develop Relationship with Contacts Develop Relationship with Contacts Implement Process with Contacts Implement Process with Contacts Travel to contact countries Travel to contact countries Create a country/task-specific solar oven Create a country/task-specific solar oven Improve prototype Improve prototype Begin developing a business plan with local people Begin developing a business plan with local people

21 Final Words The Need is Immense Process to Implement Solar Ovens Preparation Work Develop Contacts Parametric Testing New Designs Research Contact Area Build Country/Task-Specific Solar Oven Establish Business Plan

22 Thanks for Joining Us!

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