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LHC OP Tools - Applications (1) o2 new timing users, new dynamic destination oPower converters – settings (for base optics):  Parameters, optics, beam.

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Presentation on theme: "LHC OP Tools - Applications (1) o2 new timing users, new dynamic destination oPower converters – settings (for base optics):  Parameters, optics, beam."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC OP Tools - Applications (1) o2 new timing users, new dynamic destination oPower converters – settings (for base optics):  Parameters, optics, beam process in LSA  Cycles in LSA  Power converter critical settings FEI → into FEI application  Logging  Stephane, Delphine, Jorg, Georges-Henry oInterlocks like between CNGS/TI 8  Update of West Extraction BIS monitoring application  Logging  Jorg, Georges-Henry (check with Bruno) oBLMs  Update of TL BLM application  Critical settings of BLMs  Logging  Fabio, Verena 1

2 LHC BLMs.. 2 TT66 BLMs as part of the TI 2 up application ← TT66 from here TT60 and TI 2 until here →

3 LHC OP Tools - Applications (2) oBPMs  YASP...done  Logging...done  Jorg, Georges-Henry oBCTs  BCT application update...done  Special fixed display/application: count number of shots (needs to be resetable), intensity per shot, integrated intensity  Logging...done  Markus, Georges-Henry oAutomatic emittance measurement in the SPS  Investigate continuous acquisition of wirescanner and writing result to SDDS  Guy oAlarms  Ventilation and temperature of dump  ? oBTVs  BTV application, Logging  Screen matching (for different optics, work with files)  Fabio, Georges-Henry 3

4 LHC OP Tools – Applications (3) oSpecial “request a shot”  Almost like LHC injection sequencer, but not with mastership  Predefine extraction schemes for HiRadMat (number of batches will vary)  No “start“ mode, only “step” mode  Delphine oConfigure beam size at focal point  New GUI needed:  Choose beam size: look up beam size for requested focal point vs. Quadrupole k -> trim  Show current setting: look up quadrupole k vs beam size at different focal points  Fabio, Verena 4

5 LHC Logging oOnly BPMs defined so far…need to also link TT60 BPMs there. 5

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