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FIGURES OF SPEECH (Figurative Language). Simile A comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as” Her eyes were shining like stars.

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Presentation on theme: "FIGURES OF SPEECH (Figurative Language). Simile A comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as” Her eyes were shining like stars."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIGURES OF SPEECH (Figurative Language)

2 Simile A comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as” Her eyes were shining like stars.

3 M etaphor A direct comparison of two unlike things which states that something is another thing and does not use “like” or “as” The child was a ray of sunshine.

4 Alliteration Repeating the same sound at the beginning of several words in a series The sneaky snake slides silently in the soft grass.

5 Hyperbole Using a very exaggerated statement for emphasis or effect She cried an ocean of tears.

6 Idiom An expression whose whole meaning is different form the literal meaning of the individual words Time flies when you’re having fun. (means you lose track of the time when you are busy and entertained)

7 Cliche An overused expression or idea I’ve told you a million times to do your homework Cliches ARE NOT original; try NOT to use these in your writing

8 Personification Giving human or lifelike qualities to nonliving or nonhuman things Winter clawed with icy fingers.

9 Onomatopoeia Words which imitated natural sounds The bee buzzed. The child plopped. The car zoomed. The pen clicked.

10 Imagery Using words which created a picture in the reader’s mind; imagery words can arouse any of the senses; sight, touch, sound, etc. My math teacher, Miss Laney, is a petite woman who wears large, gold-brimmed spectacles on the tip of her small pug nose, and pulls her jet black, long thick hair into a large bun at the base of her tiny white neck.

11 Oxymoron Combining contrasting opposite words or ideas The thundering silence filled the room. A burning cold swept over my face.

12 Contrast Using opposite or different ideas to emphasize something One brilliant red flower blossomed in the brown withered garden.

13 Apostrophe Speaking to an absent person, place, or thing as if it were present O summer! Why did you pass so quickly?

14 Figures of Speech All of these add more colorful descriptions to your writing!!!!!

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