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Figures of Speech Poetry Unit - Lesson 2 (Figures of Speech)

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1 Figures of Speech Poetry Unit - Lesson 2 (Figures of Speech)

2 Lesson 2 : Figures of Speech Intro. Notes – Copy into binder  Figurative Language  Expressions that put aside literal meanings in favor of imaginative and figurative connections  A way for poets to “play” with words  Figure of Speech  Always based on a comparison  Is not literally true  Example: If your brother says that he is going to give you a piece of his mind, you know he doesn’t literally mean “give you a piece.”  This is a figure of speech or figurative language

3 Lesson 2 : Figures of Speech Intro. Notes – Copy into binder  Figurative language a shortcut?  Can almost be a type of shorthand  It can take a lot of words and information to express something in literal terms  The same idea can be communicated instantly by a figure of speech  Figurative language in everyday language  Many figures of speech that were once original and unique have been absorbed into our everyday language.  Figures of speech are the foundation of thousands of expressions today.  We use them without even realizing that they aren’t literally true.  Examples: “roof of a mouth,” “foot of the bed,” “the market crash,” “computer virus,” or “arm of a chair”

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