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Welcome to Mrs. Isenberg’s Room! I’m so glad you’re here!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Isenberg’s Room! I’m so glad you’re here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Isenberg’s Room! I’m so glad you’re here!

2 A little about Mrs. Isenberg... My husband, Eric, and I will be married for 8 years in April.

3 The Boss! We have one son, Hazic Clay. He will turn four on July 5 th. He is the reason I’m tired everyday!

4 One on the Way! In May, we will welcome the newest addition to our family, Miss Stella Monroe.

5 A little about me... I’m from Monroe County. I graduated from MCHS in 2004. I played softball, volleyball, and was the President of my Sr. Class. I received my bachelors from WKU. GO ROE GO!

6 What should I know about you? Using the postcard that I have given you, write your name, the address you live at most of the time, any siblings you have, and a phone number I can reach your parent or guardian at. Drop down a line and answer these questions...

7 Answer these please! What do you enjoy about school? What do you not enjoy? What, if anything, could keep you from being successful? (Could be something at school or home) What do you expect from me as your teacher?

8 Expectations... It is very important that you know exactly what I expect from you in order for you to know what to expect from me. I BELIEVE respect works both ways and in order to accomplish a positive working environment, it should work both ways. As we go through this presentation, fill out the contract. This will be our agreement to work well together for the rest of the year.


10 Resources Resource.

11 About 8 th Grade American History... By now, you’ve learning the basic principles that were used to found this country. For the rest of the year, we will continue to learn about economics, western expansion, and review what you’ve already learned.

12 DISCLAIMER! The remainder of this year requires A LOT work, often with a partner. If you don’t work well with others, never fear, we will practice so much that you’ll learn to love partner work! All I ask, is do your part! What does working with a partner mean?


14 Classroom Rules It is very important that we always understand what is expected of us. These rules are posted in the room, as well as being listed on the handout we are currently completing. That means they are very important and should be followed.

15 Classroom Expectations NO CELL PHONES...EVER! No food or drinks, except water. Raise your hand to speak. Only get out of your seat to sharpen your pencil or to come ask me a question. Be kind to others ALWAYS. Don’t throw things, even into the trash can. Random comments are not funny or welcome. Keep your head up off your desk. RESPECT ME AND I WILL RESPECT YOU!

16 Hallway Expectations LEAVING ROOM –Line up at the door at Level 0. –Wait for me to tell you to leave the room. –Travel on the right side of the hallway, single file, and at Level 0. RETURNING TO ROOM –Line up where you’ve been instructed to. –Wait for me to tell you to go. –DO NOT leave an area to return to the room without me. –Travel on the right side of the hallway (unless I tell you otherwise), single file, and at a Level 0.

17 Technology Expectations Technology is VERY expensive and should be respected. Never abuse an electronic by hitting/smacking, having food or drinks near them, or running or horseplay near a computer or with one in your hand. Know which computer you are assigned to and use ONLY that computer.

18 Homework Expectations Good News? Homework is rare in this room. However, that means that when there is homework, it is very important that it is completed. Homework assignments will be posted in the room, as well as online, and 3 missed assignments will result in a minor write-up.

19 Bathroom Expectations You will get 2 bathroom passes for each quarter. Once you have used both your passes, you will not be allowed to go to the bathroom anymore. Use them WISELY!

20 Voice Levels Level 0: NO TALKING. (This includes whispering, humming, or sounds with your mouth or body) Level 1: WHISPER. (This means that the only people who can hear your conversation are you and the person you are talking to. This is the appropriate level for partner/group work.) Level 2: CONVERSATION LEVEL (This means you are speaking with a normal tone, such as you would to Mr. Clemmons) ANYTHING ABOUT LEVEL 2 IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

21 Getting Started Each Day... When you come into the room, DO NOT SOCIALIZE! There will be a bellringer on the board, get out your notebook and get started. Bellringer Format: Date Unit Bellringer Then you drop down to the left-hand side and begin to work on whatever you plan to write for the answer.

22 Getting Started Each Day... Sit in your assigned seat. Get out the materials you need for class (including any completed assignments) Complete the bellringer. Remain at Level 0. This is the process you should follow each day!


24 Every student has a locker to store their things in. Use it and not this classroom.

25 DO NOT leave the room unless I tell you to do so. Leaving the room without permission (includes wandering off when traveling in the hallway), is the same as cutting class.

26 Questions? If you refuse to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

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