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Group Communication. Small Group Communication  What Is A Group? A collection of people with a common goal, or, a common thread of interest  Can also.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Communication. Small Group Communication  What Is A Group? A collection of people with a common goal, or, a common thread of interest  Can also."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Communication

2 Small Group Communication  What Is A Group? A collection of people with a common goal, or, a common thread of interest  Can also be referred to as “teams”

3 Small Group Communication  The Characteristics of An Effective Group Clear Purpose  The vision, mission, goal, or task of the group are defined by the group. Climate  The group climate is informal, comfortable, and relaxed  There are no obvious tensions or signs of boredom Participation  There is much discussion, and everyone is encouraged to participate.

4 Small Group Communication  The Characteristics of An Effective Group Listening  Members use effective listening techniques such as questioning, paraphrasing, and summarizing so that everyone’s point of view is considered. Healthy Conflict  Conflict between group members is a normal and sometimes necessary component of group work.  Group members should not try to avoid, smooth over, or suppress conflict.  Rather opposing views should be analyzed and considered when coming to a group decision.

5 Small Group Communication  The Characteristics of An Effective Group Open Communication  Members are free to express their views and ideas about the group’s tasks and processes  Members have few hidden agendas Clear Roles and Assignments  There are clear expectations about group member’s roles  Clear assignments are made, accepted, and carried out.  Work is fairly distributed among team members. External Resources  The team utilizes key outside relationships with important individuals and groups within their larger organization

6 Small Group Communication  The Characteristics of An Effective Group Functional Diversity  The group is composed of members who vary in their related knowledge, skills, and abilities. Self Assessment  The group takes time to examine how well it is functioning and ways to improve its effectiveness.

7 Small Group Communication  Different views from different people  Increases individual motivation  It’s easier to identify mistakes  Team Decisions are better received by others  Group Work is more pleasant and fulfilling for most members ADVANTAGES OF SMALL-GROUP DECISION-MAKING

8 Small Group Communication  Members can get slack  Personal agendas may conflict with group goals  Aggressive members can dominate  Members could be uncompromising  GroupThink can override common sense  Takes longer to reach a decision DISADVANTAGES OF SMALL-GROUP DECISION-MAKING

9 Small Group Communication  Member “roles” task-oriented maintenance self-serving

10 Small Group Communication  Task roles Initiator/Expeditor “Contributor”  This person often suggests new ideas, goals, solutions, or approaches.  Often times these individuals are the most creative or energetic. Information Giving/Seeking “Collaborator”  These people provide a foundation for discussion by the information they both provide and seek throughout the process of a group discussion.

11 Small Group Communication  Task roles Critic/Analyzer “Challenger”  These individuals look at the good and bad points that are brought up and often look at how the whole picture fits together.  Can be seen by others as Debbie Downers or the Devil’s Advocate of the group, but their roles are still very vital to arriving at a final solution as long as the groups success is ultimately the critics goal.

12 Small Group Communication  Maintenance roles The Encourager “Communicator”  Praises and/or comments on contributions to and achievements of the group. The encourager finds it very important to maintain a positive environment in a group communication setting.

13 Small Group Communication  Maintenance roles The Harmonizer/Compromiser  This person helps resolve or settle arguments or arrive at compromises that get the group closer to their goal. The Regulator  This individual reminds the participants of the agenda or the topic at hand and gives others in the group a chance to speak. Note: Not every group communication setting has all of these roles.

14 Small Group Communication  Self-Serving Roles Blocking Aggression Recognition seeking Withdrawing Dominating Joking Self-confessing Help seeking

15 Small Group Communication  Leadership Styles Autocratic  “My way or the highway” Laissez-Faire  “You’re on your own” Democratic  “What Does Everyone Think?”

16 Human Knot

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