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Teaching Point: To analyze/critique texts and pictures to understand the effects of Spanish colonization. How was life different before the Spanish for.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Point: To analyze/critique texts and pictures to understand the effects of Spanish colonization. How was life different before the Spanish for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Point: To analyze/critique texts and pictures to understand the effects of Spanish colonization. How was life different before the Spanish for Native Americans? How did the lives of native Americans change after Spanish colonization?

2 Critical Thinking: Based on your analysis/critique of the picture and your knowledge of Social Studies, how was life like before and after for the Native Americans, after the Spanish arrived?


4 Town of Secota Essential Question: Based on your analysis/critique of the picture and your knowledge of Social Studies, how was life like before and after for the Native Americans, after the Spanish arrived?

5 How did the settlers view the Native Americans? Why do you think the settlers felt this way about the native Americans? Do people today treat minorities like the settlers treated Native Americans in the past?

6 EUROPEAN ACCOUNT OF NATIVE AMERICANS “They go all naked save their privates, yet in cool weather they wear dear skins, with the hair on loose: some have leather stockings up to their twists, & sandals on their feet, their hair is black generally, which they wear long on the left side, tied on a knot, about which knot the kings and best among them have a kind of Coronet of deer's hair colored red, some have chains of long linked copper about their necks’ and some chains of pearl, the common sort stick long feathers in this knot, I found not a grey eye among them all. Their skin is tawny not so borne, but with dying and painting themselves, in which they – delight greatly. The women are like the men, only this difference; their hair – growth long all over their heads save clip – somewhat short afore, these do all the labor and the men hunt and go at their pleasure.” How did the settlers view the Native Americans? Why do you think the settlers felt this way about the native Americans? Do people today treat minorities like the settlers treated Native Americans in the past?

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