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LECTURE THREE: ADDICTION The Medical Model Why do people abuse chemicals? The simplest answer is because it feels good! But why then are we not all addicts?

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3 Why do people abuse chemicals? The simplest answer is because it feels good! But why then are we not all addicts?

4 Is it not a choice?  What do folks think?

5 Is it simple a choice?

6 Physical reward potential Increased sense of pleasure Decreased discomfort Thus I use again and again  Pleasure center is not one a single center  Pleasure center across brain systems  Motivated to seek further stimulation

7 Social Learning Component Individual Expectation of Drug/Alcohol / Substance  We learn how to use drugs and substances  In order to maximize their potential both physically and psychologically.

8 Cultural influences on chemical use patterns  People’s decision to use or not can be a result of the community, subculture, family, and social group, to which you belong.  Peele [1985] holds that “cultures where use of a substance is comfortable, familiar, and socially regulated both as to style of use and appropriate time and place for such use, addiction is less likely and maybe practically unknown”.  And yet with new emerging addictions this may not hold as true as it did 20 years ago! What is Peele Smoking?Smoking We also can’t forget social groups within a culture

9 Individual Life Goals Present FuturePast It’s Important to remember that chemical abuse patterns are not fixed Moreover, no one sets out to become addicted


11 Basic Tenet: Medical Model / Disease Model  A great deal of the individuals behavior is based on predisposition  However, there is no universally accepted disease model that explains addiction  Instead there exists loosely related theories that addiction is (unproven) a psycho-biomedical process that can be called a disease state.

12 Otto Jellinek (1952)  Influenced physicians  Shifted from moral disorder to medical disorder  Became recognized as formal disease in 1956 (by the AMA)  Proposed alcoholism to be a progressive / predictable disorder

13 Jellinek’s Four Stage Model Prealcoholic PhaseProdromal Phase Crucial PhaseChronic Phase Alcohol used for relief from social tension First Blackouts; preoccupation with use, development of guilt Loss of control; Physically dependent Loss of tolerance; obsessive drinking, alcoholic tremors, drinking with social inferiors PROGRESSIVE E COURSE LEADING TO DEATH

14 Jellinek’s Additions  Later classified different types of alcoholics  One hallmark of the alcoholic – they can’t predict how much they will drink after starting  His legacy – something worth studying (brain/biology)  Removes prejudices “the immoral alcoholic”  Wasn’t about will power was a “disease”

15 Genetic Inheritance Theories  Less sensitive to alcohol effects – (less neuronal firing)  Like / dislike certain substance(s)  Decision making (frontal cortex)  Make it harder to quit  Affect withdrawal syndrome  Different studies suggest that genes account for 20% to 58% of addiction risk  No signal gene causes addiction  Vulnerability not Destiny

16 Cloninger’s Type 1 and Type 2 Alcoholics  3,000 adoptees  Reared by non-alcoholic parents  Great deal of adoptees became alcoholic  Cloninger observed two distinct groups

17 Type 1 (larger subgroup)  ¾ children had biological parents who were alcoholic  These children drank in moderation in early adulthood  Later life developed dependence  Functioned in society as responsible adults  If raised in higher socio economic family less likely to become alcoholic

18 Type 2  Males  More violent than Type 1  Father’s were violent alcoholics  20% chance of becoming alcoholic regardless of SES  Later studies confirmed findings  10% of sample became alcoholics  Low Levels of MAO

19 Neuro-Biological Processes, Dopamine, and Drug Addiction  Addicts are biologically different from non-addicts  An addict’s brain acts differently before and after using  Addicts metabolize and bio-transform substances differently

20 Ego States and the Characterlogical Model of Addiction  Personality and its relationship with self and world (internal and external)  How we then deal with world  Addiction then helps to self-regulate via pharmacologic effects, attendant rituals, practices, and drug culture

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