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Housing, health and human beings: Lessons from England on the challenges of establishing an integrated approach to fuel poverty Simon Roberts 6 October.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing, health and human beings: Lessons from England on the challenges of establishing an integrated approach to fuel poverty Simon Roberts 6 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing, health and human beings: Lessons from England on the challenges of establishing an integrated approach to fuel poverty Simon Roberts 6 October 2014 Energy Action Conference, Dublincse_bristol









10 Fuel poverty is not a priority… nor should it be.

11 But living in a cold home makes most health conditions worse. So tackle the cold home to improve health outcomes.

12 NICE guidance: Key draft recommendations Focus on role of cold homes in exacerbating local health problems and reflect in resulting strategies Use health data and housing data to identify people at risk and trigger appropriate interventions Commission services to tackle cold homes (and access support from others) and participate in effective referral networks Don’t discharge vulnerable from hospital to a cold home

13 gid-phg70/documents

14 Thank you Twitter: @cse_bristol

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