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SmokePing. Overview Network monitoring IP address, hostname Network services e.g. DNS, SMTP, HTTP Latency measurement Round trip delay time Historical.

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Presentation on theme: "SmokePing. Overview Network monitoring IP address, hostname Network services e.g. DNS, SMTP, HTTP Latency measurement Round trip delay time Historical."— Presentation transcript:

1 SmokePing

2 Overview Network monitoring IP address, hostname Network services e.g. DNS, SMTP, HTTP Latency measurement Round trip delay time Historical data graphing Email Alerts

3 How It Works Several test packets are sent to a target and the time taken for them to return is measured. (Default is 20 pings every 5 minutes) The measurements are stored in RRD (Round Robin Database) files. The round trip times are sorted and the median is selected.

4 How It Works The measurements are graphed, where the median is represented by a coloured line. This is also coloured according to packet loss. The rest of the measurements are drawn in successively lighter shades of grey (the smoke).

5 Debian Package Versions smokeping2.6.8 nginx1.2.1 rrdtool1.4.7 fcgiwrap1.0.3 fping3.2 echoping6.0.2 perl5.14.2

6 Installation on Debian 7 Required packages # aptitude –R install smokeping nginx- full fcgiwrap echoping rrdtool (-R, --without-recommends – so apache isn’t installed) The packages pulled in are sufficient for a minimal setup.

7 Configure nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/default server {... location /cgi-bin/ { gzip off; root /usr/lib; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib$fastcgi_script_name; } location /smokeping/images/ { root /var/cache; }... }

8 Configure smokeping /etc/smokeping/config.d/General owner = James Pinkster contact = mailhost = /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames imgurl = /smokeping/images /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets... remark = Your welcome message here... + LocalNet menu = LocalNet title = Network name ++ Hostname1 host = ++ Hostname2 host =

9 Tips  Target firewall must allow ICMP ping request/response  To move an.rrd file to another location. Use rrdtool dump to export and rrdtool restore to import

10 Links Smokeping homepage Useful links RRDtool

11 Demo

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