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Curriculum E-Tutors 2005-2006. Acad. Math 1204/2204/3204/3103 Adv. Math 2205/3205/3207 Science 1206 Chemistry 2202/3202 Physics 2204/3204 Canadian History.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum E-Tutors 2005-2006. Acad. Math 1204/2204/3204/3103 Adv. Math 2205/3205/3207 Science 1206 Chemistry 2202/3202 Physics 2204/3204 Canadian History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum E-Tutors 2005-2006


3 Acad. Math 1204/2204/3204/3103 Adv. Math 2205/3205/3207 Science 1206 Chemistry 2202/3202 Physics 2204/3204 Canadian History 1201 Experiencing Music 2200 Art & Design 3200 Integrated Systems 1205 Art Technologies 1201 Career Exploration 1101 French 2200/3200/3201 Enterprise 3205 Canadian Economy 2203 English 1201/2201/3201 Writing 2203 World Geography 3202 Biology 2201 CommTech 2104/3104 Available in 2004-05 2005-2006 Biology 3201 World History 3201 Career Dev 2211 Healthy Living 1200

4 The Model – A Blended Platform Synchronous Asynchronous WebCT E-Live

5 Synchronous Time – Adaptable Customized for each course Sciences, Adv Math 6/4 French, Academic Math 7/3 Social Studies, Technology, English 5/5 Art, Music 4/6 Split / Feedback SynchronousAsynchronous WebCT E-Live

6 What do students need? An open mind and a desire to learn. Good work ethic Basic time management skills. Standard computer skills. Encouragement & peer tutoring The greatest asset is a positive attitude and a willingness to work independently.

7 Keys to Success Successful students are those who: Use time effectively. Use the course tools like the homepage or the calendar to monitor due dates and manage their time. Do assigned work as soon as it is assigned and in small “chunks”. Responsible and independent learners. As supervision is at a minimal,students must accept responsibility for keeping themselves on task and atop the topics being presented.

8 Keys to Success Use tools like e-mail to write clear and specific requests for assistance, clarification, or explanation from the e-teacher. Participate in vClass by asking questions about what’s been encountered in the web- based content. Strive for understanding

9 Resources available for extra help 1. Eteacher by email 2. Eteacher during offline time and after school tutorials 3. Curriculum Etutors 4. WebCT 5. MLO’s

10 The Tools of CDLI CDLI Website: Student Web Portal – Guidance Centre WebCTWebCT: LMS – Asynchronous Communication Virtual ClassroomVirtual Classroom: Synchronous Communication Recorded Classes A Closer Look

11 Number of hours: 120 @ $6.25/hr Compensation Amount: maximum of $750 per year Maximum of 3 years - >$2000 Not intended for learners with learning disabilities Evaluation forms have been provided / modification Documentation is important – log book Tutoring for Tuition

12 Q & A What is a CDLI E-Tutor? A CDLI e-tutor is a present or former distance education student chosen by the m- team to help support e-learning in their school. Why become an E-Tutor? The e-tutor position is a paying job and students can earn $6 per hour for a maximum of 120 hours. The money is paid in the form of a voucher which can be used in any post-secondary educational institution in Canada. What schools can have a CDLI E-Tutor? All official CDLI schools can have an e-tutor. If preferred they can split the hours and hire two e-tutors. How is an E-Tutor different from a Tutoring for Tuition tutor? The e-tutor is a separate allocation to the school from CDLI and students can accumulate hours in a variety of ways.

13 Tutoring Tips Learn to look at each student individually, and value the student for what he/she is. Your first aim is to help the person see himself/herself as someone who CAN learn and Wants to learn. When you talk, talk naturally. Think of working With the students rather than talking at the student.

14 Tips(Con’t)

15 Let the tutee know it is all right to make mistakes, that everybody makes mistakes, and that is one way to learn. Give lots of praise when the student makes progress. Correct errors when they are made but it is just as important to acknowledge a right answer. Model success. Provide the students with a model of an achieving goal setter. Help the student see they can learn to succeed.

16 Tips(Con’t) Be enthusiastic. Let the student know you are interested in helping the student. Give immediate feedback.

17 Q & A Session

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