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Classroom Design: Steele’s Six Functions of the Classroom Setting

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1 Classroom Design: Steele’s Six Functions of the Classroom Setting
Amanda Matthews 03/12/2015 Kindergarten

2 Security and Shelter The classroom setting provides physical and psychological security and comfort. This is Mrs. Farley’s personal desk area which provides her security with a safe haven of her own and pictures of her family.

3 Social Contact The classroom setting is arranged to suit the amount of student interaction desired. Mrs. Farley has the students sit in groups at tables so they can work together on activities.

4 Symbolic Identification
The classroom setting reflects the teacher's and students' backgrounds, activities, accomplishments and preferences. Simply stated, it means personalizing a classroom. Mrs. Farley has the students birthdays posted in the classroom a long with pictures of the student when they are starfish of the week (I left out that picture to exclude the faces of the students).

5 Task Instrumentality The classroom setting supports the specific learning tasks to be carried out there. Each classroom has a set of IPads for the students to use. Mrs. Farley makes them readily available for students to use them during stations. Mrs. Farley also has an area for the students to keep their belongings. They can access this area at any time when going from activity to activity.

6 Pleasure The classroom setting is attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Mrs. Farley has fabric on every bulletin board to make the room look better and keeps toys in her room for students to play with during indoor recess.

7 Growth A learning-enriched environment—one that is equipped with materials and resources—encourages intellectual growth and development. Mrs. Farley keeps a record of her students progress so she knows how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. She also keeps books for her to reference if needed, as well as books for the students to use.

8 References Weinstein, C. S., Romano, M. E., & Mignano, A. J. (2015). Elementary classroom management: Lessons from research and practice (6th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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