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PAGE – GLOBAL FORUM ON GREEN ECONOMY LEARNING 17 December 2015 Wynand van der Merwe Green Skills Development Initiatives of the NCPC-SA.

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Presentation on theme: "PAGE – GLOBAL FORUM ON GREEN ECONOMY LEARNING 17 December 2015 Wynand van der Merwe Green Skills Development Initiatives of the NCPC-SA."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAGE – GLOBAL FORUM ON GREEN ECONOMY LEARNING 17 December 2015 Wynand van der Merwe Green Skills Development Initiatives of the NCPC-SA

2 Vocational/Occupational Training in actual workplace environments to: Improve Energy Efficiency Reduce pollution and GhG emissions Develop and/or implement Green Technology Practise recycling and reuse. Reduce consumption/waste and Conserve natural resources Ensure environmental sustainability Generate Energy from renewable/alternative sources NCPC-SA Green Skills Focus

3 1.Introduce solutions to scarce and critical skills needs, not provided for through existing qualifications: Develop and offer training courses on new methodologies, skill- sets and international best RECP practices Develop training guidelines and quality requirements Stimulate demand for particular Green Skill-sets through proven benefits to industry Stimulate supply of Skills by capacitating trainers and supporting training providers to take over, once qualifications are registered 2.Facilitate recognition of Green Skills: Facilitate development of new Occupational Qualifications Assist in quality assurance/accreditation of Training Providers Support establishment of a Professional Body Strategic Intent

4 The IEE Project benefited companies of all sizes across all sectors Back to Outline

5 ArcelorMittal Saldanha Works EnMS / PSO / MSO / FSO Cumulative savings = > $ 18 034 833 Consol Glass Wadeville Total investment of $130119 Annual financial saving of $ 120232 Pay-back period of 1,2 years. Energy saving = 2 117 650 KWh. GHG emissions reduction = 1 905 tonnes of CO2 p/a Tenneco Ride & Emissions Control (EL) $ 207066 invested, payback period: 1.5 years. Monetary savings = $ 133591 Energy savings = 2,540,000 kWh GHG emission reduction 2,428.08 tonnes of CO2e. Attain ISO 50001 certification in South Africa Training Plants – success stories

6 Impact Multiply Impact International Recognition Formal recognition Professional Growth Improved Employability Critical/Scarce Skills Job Creation and Retention Sustainability Profitability RECP and IEE Capacity Building NCPC Internship Strategic Partnerships Qualification Development

7 Strategic Alliances UNIDO, UNEP, GIZ, SECO, ILO, etc. Universities, Vocational Training Institutions Industry Stakeholders/ Associations (SAIMechE, Plastics SA, NBI, etc.) DEA, DHET, DOE, DST, etc. Municipalities, SANEDI, SANBI, QCTO, Setas, etc. Government & Public Entities Private Partners International Partners Education and Training Institutions

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