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Field Study – Librarian Interview Interviewer: Marilyn McDonald, Oakleigh Librarian Interviewee: Homeretta Ayala, Fullerton Elementary March 22, 2011 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Study – Librarian Interview Interviewer: Marilyn McDonald, Oakleigh Librarian Interviewee: Homeretta Ayala, Fullerton Elementary March 22, 2011 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Study – Librarian Interview Interviewer: Marilyn McDonald, Oakleigh Librarian Interviewee: Homeretta Ayala, Fullerton Elementary March 22, 2011 March 2011 Ayala / McDonald

2 2 Teacher Role

3 3 Teacher Role – Question 1 How do your school (student and community) demographics affect your selection and planning process? Our changing demographics have led me to include more multicultural books – as in books that focus on multiple countries. I have many lessons the incorporate Culture Grams. The addition of some foreign language books and now the tumble books have had such a positive impact on the library and the students. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

4 4 Teacher Role – Question 2 Describe a lesson that you think was highly effective for students. Recently with 4th grade we did an extension of the Houghton Mifflin Reading Unit on Journeys that they complete with their Reading teacher. The lesson in the library began with the discussion and study of immigrants to America. The culminating lesson was a virtual tour of Ellis Island. The students searched the Ellis Island site for known family members. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

5 5 Teacher Role – Question 3 What suggestions do you have to get students with poor reading skills and no interest in school to work on research? I always let students have an ownership in the research project and make a connection with the project. For example, with the Explorers and Black History Month students make a connection with the person they are researching. Using history oriented readers theatre and plays about the Revolutionary War helps kids “become the characters” and make text connections. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

6 6 Teacher Role – Question 4 Are you using the Online Research Models that integrate information literacy with curricular content? If so, how? If not, what are the barriers? Note: For counties other than BCPS, ask the question, "Are you using an information literacy process model, e.g., Big Six? I often use the Research Models. I use them for: the 4th grade Native American unit, the Habitat Unit for 5th grade, the Tomie DePaola 1st Grade model, the Animals Unit for 2nd Grade, and the 3rd Grade Charm City Unit. I incorporate my own books with each unit as a “kickoff” or supplement. For example, with the third grade unit on Baltimore, I use Granddaddy's Street Songs and Perry’s Baltimore Adventure. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

7 7 Teacher Role – Question 4 Continued Are you using the Online Research Models that integrate information literacy with curricular content? If so, how? If not, what are the barriers? Note: For counties other than BCPS, ask the question, "Are you using an information literacy process model, e.g., Big Six? The last 2 years for the children’s Baltimore Field Trip I met the 3rd grade students at Mt. Vernon Place and did a presentation on Frances Scott Key and performed variations on Star Spangled Banner. (I have to mention that Homer has awesome musical talents!) Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

8 8 Instructional Partner Role

9 9 Instructional Partner Role– Question 1 When do you usually collaborate with teachers (planning, after school, etc…)?In what ways do you collaborate with teachers? Like many elementary schools, there is no set time for collaborative planning, so email is the main form of communication to keep us all up on units and curriculum. Great teacher retention, longevity, and experience of the teachers allow the staff at Fullerton to keep up with each other. On the Native American unit, I had teachers refrain from assigning a specific tribe and children were able to research in the library on their tribe to figure out which one they connected to best. This gave the kids the chance to work together and to have multiple students work on same tribe. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

10 10 Instructional Partner Role– Question 2 Do you work with your technology liaison or computer teacher to ensure that research skills are taught integrated with technical skills? I have the most incredible full time tech teacher who I work with closely. Together we sponsor Technology Club with several students. The tech teacher will supplement research on the projects I am doing in class and we’ll divide responsibilities on the project for different grade levels. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

11 11 Instructional Partner Role– Question 3 What things do you do to get teachers to use all the resources you have in your library? Staff developments on databases and on Destiny are something I often do with the staff. I just did a staff development on Tumble Books as well. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

12 12 Information Specialist Role

13 13 Information Specialist Role– Question 1 What resources are a must for your professional library? I am always looking to build the school’s professional library. Teachers are accessing eBooks on the professional library on a constant basis. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

14 14 Information Specialist Role– Question 2 Which databases are most useful to students? To teachers? The teachers most often turn to Brain Pop as their database of choice. I use America the Beautiful, Culture Grams and Net trekker for more advanced students and 5 th graders as I prepare them for moving them into middle school. Net Trekker takes the research to another level as far as creating searches in the multiple formats available. Ayala / McDonaldMarch 2011

15 15 Summary

16 16 Summary Part I Reflection Log Date and Time Spent Location March 20, 2011 1 Hour (Planning Time) I visited Homer at Fullerton Elementary.

17 17 Summary Part II Meeting with Homer was a pleasurable experience, and as always, I learned from her expertise. I went to Fullerton Elementary for the interview and had observed Homer in the past so I know what an outstanding teacher she is and how she is well loved within her school and how she serves as a knowledge base for students, teachers, and parents.

18 18 Discussing the research models was perhaps the most educational part of the visit for me. Working with Homer and observing the professional collegiality among all staff at Fullerton helps to enhance student learning both at her school and at mine. Talking about the media center with Homer helped me to further identify some exemplary teaching units and educational practices that would benefit me in the Oakleigh Library. This collaborative support and guidance to novice librarians, such as myself, will help to create a future of successful public school libraries that is dependent upon excellence in teaching. As teachers, we learn from one another and this constant “best practice” communication is key to student success! Summary Part III

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