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Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Describe 3 methods of improving.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Describe 3 methods of improving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Turn in Do Nows & 7.3 RSG Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Section 8.2 Notes & Volcano Foldable Describe 3 methods of improving a building’s safety before an earthquake. Read 8.2 & Add to your Foldable Read 8.2 & Add to your Foldable Study for Quiz Study for Quiz01-13-14

2 01-13-14 I can identify the 3 types of volcanoes and their characteristics.

3 Finish Foldable Finish Foldable Short Read: Volcano in a Cornfield Short Read: Volcano in a Cornfield Section 8.2 Quiz Section 8.2 Quiz Describe 4 things that are erupted out of volcanoes. None None01-14-14

4 01-14-14 I can identify the 3 types of volcanoes and their characteristics.


6 Section 8.2 Quiz Section 8.2 Quiz Mt. Rainier Mudflows Mt. Rainier Mudflows Read 8.3 & Complete 8.3 RSG Read 8.3 & Complete 8.3 RSG What 2 things are determined by the silica content of a volcano’s lava? Where are most volcanoes found? Finish 8.3 RSG Finish 8.3 RSG01-15-14

7 01-15-14 I can identify the effects of a volcanic eruption.

8 Discuss & Turn in Section 8.3 RSG Discuss & Turn in Section 8.3 RSG Nye: Volcanoes Nye: Volcanoes List 5 immediate effects and 2 long- term effects of a volcanic eruption None None01-16-14

9 01-16-14 I can identify the effects of a volcanic eruption.

10 Mt. St. Helens Mt. St. Helens Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast a pyroclastic flow and a mudflow. Study for Final Study for Final01-17-14

11 01-17-14 I can identify the effects of a volcanic eruption.

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