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The Color Wheel. Instructions Solve the problems in the Powerpoint. Every time you get a question right, roll the die. If it lands on the color of the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Color Wheel. Instructions Solve the problems in the Powerpoint. Every time you get a question right, roll the die. If it lands on the color of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Color Wheel

2 Instructions Solve the problems in the Powerpoint. Every time you get a question right, roll the die. If it lands on the color of the problem you are on, move forward two spaces. Otherwise, just move one space. If you get the question wrong, you don’t get to move. First person or team to the end wins.

3 What parent function do the following graphs represent? a)b) a)y = x 2 b)y = x 3 #1

4 Determine the end behavior of the polynomial y = -3x 4 + 2. As x  - ∞, y  - ∞ As x  ∞, y  - ∞ #2

5 Find the points of x 4 + x 3 + 2x + 3 using a T-Chart for x=-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 XYXY -27 -11 0303 1717 231 #3

6 Solve x 4 – 13x 2 + 36 = 0 using the “W” method w = x 2 w 2 – 13w + 36 = 0 (w – 4)(w – 9)=0 w = 4w = 9 x 2 = 4x 2 = 9 x = ±2x = ±3 #4

7 Find all possible zeroes of 2x 2 + x – 8 using the P/Q method where P is a factor of the constant and Q is a factor of the leading coefficient. P: ±1, ±2, ±4, ±8 Q: ±1, ±2 Possible Zeroes: ±1, ±2, ±4, ±8 #5

8 Answer True or False for the following statements: a) f(x) ÷ g(x) = (f-g)(x) b) f(x) + g(x) = (f+g)(x) c) (f ÷ g)(x)= f(x) ÷ g(x) a) False b) True c) True #6

9 Find the inverse of f(x)= x + 6 3 y= x + 6 3 3y = x + 6 3y – 6 = x f -1 (x)= 3y – 6 #7

10 Find the value of x that makes the equation undefined: x 2 – 2x – 3 x 2 + 2x +1 (x – 3)(x + 1) (x + 1)(x + 1) Undefined when x = -1 #8

11 Simplify the expression: 2x 2 y 5 z 3 4xy 3 z 6 xy 2 2z 3 #9

12 Multiply and simplify as much as possible: 22x 5 y x 3x 2 y 3 11x 3 y 2 9x 6 y 2x 2 x y 2 = 2x 2 y 2 = 2y y 3x 4 3x 4 y 3x 2 #10

13 Solve the following and round to the nearest thousandth: 22 + 12 = 6 3x 14 5 22(14)(5) + 12(3x)(5) = 6(3x)(14) 1540 + 180x = 252x 1540 = 72x 21.389 = x #11

14 y varies inversely to x. y = 42 when x = 6. Find y when x = 3. 42 = k / 6 k = 252 y = 252 / 3 y = 84 #12

15 y varies directly to x. y = 42 when x = 6. Find y when x = 3. 42 = 6k k = 7 y = 3(7) y=21 #13

16 Fill in the blanks. A parabola opens (a) _____ if a > 0, and opens (b) _____ if a < 0. (a) upwards (b) downwards #14

17 State the domain and range of the parabola. Domain: (-∞,∞) Range: [-2,∞) #15

18 Factor and find x. 2x 2 – 6x + 4 (2x – 2)(x – 2) x = 1x = 2 #16

19 Solve by completing the square. x 2 – 6x = 40 x 2 – 6x +9 = 40 + 9 (x – 3)(x – 3)= 49 (x – 3) 2 = 49 x – 3 = ±√49 x – 3 = ±7 x = 3 ± 7 x = 10x = -4 #17

20 Solve using the quadratic formula. x 2 + 7x + 5 x = -7 ± √(49 – 20) 2 x = -7 ± √(29) 2 x = -7 ± 5.385 2 x = -6.193x = -1.615 #18

21 Solve the, state the number and types of roots: 3x+8=0 Answer: -8/3 ; 1 #19

22 Find All rational zeros of the function: P(x)= x 3 -3x-2 Answer: -1, -1, 2 #20

23 Find the Inverse of the function G(x)=x+4 Answer: G -1 (x)=x-4 #21

24 Find the midpoint of each line segment with endpoints at (-5,3) (- 3,-7) Answer: (-4,-2) #22

25 Write the equation in standard form, then state weather it is an ellipse, hyperbola, parabola, or circle: y 2 -2x 2 -16=0 Answer: y 2 /16 – x 2 /8 = 1 #23

26 Find the solution to the system of equations: x 2 +y 2 =36 y= x+2 Answer: -1 + square root of 17, 1 + square root of 17 #24

27 Solve the inequality: 7/a+1 > 7 Answer: -1<a<0 #25

28 Solve: 3 n+2 =14.5 0.4341 #26

29 Use a calculator to evaluate ach expression: e 5, e.5, Ln 10 Answers: 148.4132, 1.6487, 2.3026 #27

30 The Martins buy a condo for $85,000. It will appreciate at a rate of 5% each year. How much will the condo be worth after 5 years? Answer: $108,484.93 #28

31 A 1 =7, A n = 79 N=8,Find S n for the arithmetic series described: Answer: 344 #29

32 Write the equation for the nth term of the geometric sequence 36, 12, 4 Answer: A n = 36(1/3) n-1 #30

33 Find the odds of an event happening, given the probability: 3/8 Answer: 3:5 #31

34 Expand the binomial: (2b+1/4) 5 Answer: 32b 5 +20b 4 +5b 3 +5/8b 2 +5/128b+1/102 4 #32

35 Write the equivalent exponential logarithmic function for these two: e -x =5 e x+1 =9 Answers: -x= Ln5 X+1= Ln9 #33

36 According to a recent survey, 92% of high school seniors owned a car. What is the probability that 10/12 randomly selected students at a high school own a car? Answer:.183 or 18.3% chance #34

37 Find Log 5 25 Answer: 2 #35

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