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Positive Negative My Life Happy Tuesday September 13, 2011 Get a sheet of green paper draw a circle map and label it like the one below. Your map should.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Negative My Life Happy Tuesday September 13, 2011 Get a sheet of green paper draw a circle map and label it like the one below. Your map should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Negative My Life Happy Tuesday September 13, 2011 Get a sheet of green paper draw a circle map and label it like the one below. Your map should take up the entire page. Brainstorm positive and negative things that have happened to you throughout your life time. This information is confidential & will not be shared with the class, only your teacher will see it.

2 In your Topics to Write About section of your literacy notebook. Glue in your circle map on page 1 Fold the page in for privacy.

3 Purposes for Writing Express Inform Influence Entertain Persuade Argue Request Explain Describe Report Narrate Short Stories Develop Reflect on Ideas Problem Solve

4 Modeling Narrative Step 1: Analyze the Prompt Prompt: Write a composition about a significant event in your life which you faced a major challenge and were able to overcome it.

5 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 2: Brainstorm events related to the prompt. Time I overcame a challenge Moving to a new school Trying out For cheerleader Parents Divorce - who do I live with Learning how To become A better math student

6 YOUR TURN Look at the circle map you created at the beginning of class, would any of these topics work for the promp? Brainstorm events related to the prompt. Time I Overcame A challenge

7 Grab a sticky note from your table… Write down your favorite soft drink ( don’t let your neighbor see )

8 On the back write down a unique soft drink that you think no one else in the class will think of.

9 Choosing a unique topic is critical!!!

10 Narrative Tree Map Step 3: Explore your memory for details. Parents Divorce Scenes My house (tense, lonely, Melancholy)

11 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 3: Explore your memory for details. Memorable Christmas Scenes Key People Me (depressed, Resentful, grateful) Dad (angry, Bitter, supportive) Mom ( devastated, Insightful, supportive)

12 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 3: Explore your memory for details. Parents Divorce Scenes Key People Main Events Parents constantly fighting Announce Divorce Have to choose mom or dad Reflect on Divorce & choice

13 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 3: Explore your memory for details. Parents Divorce Scenes Key People Main Events Lesson I learned from this experience that in life you may be faced with challenges that seem impossible to overcome, but these challenges can end up being blessings in disguise.

14 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 3: Explore your memory for details. Memorable Christmas Scenes My house (tense, lonely, Melancholy) Key People Me ( depressed, Resentful, grateful ) Dad ( angry, Bitter, supportive ) Main Events Announce Divorce Lesson I learned from this experience that in life you may be faced with challenges that seem impossible to overcome, but these challenges can end up being blessings in disguise. Parents constantly fighting Have to choose mom or dad Reflect on Divorce & choice Mom ( devastated, Insightful, supportive )

15 Modeling Autobiographical Incident Step 4: Orally rehearse your autobiographical narrative with another person.

16 We need volunteers to share out your topic you are writing about and your lesson learned.

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