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Assessment and Placement Last year, college faculty and administration studied developmental assessment and placement policies, procedures and practices.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Placement Last year, college faculty and administration studied developmental assessment and placement policies, procedures and practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and Placement Last year, college faculty and administration studied developmental assessment and placement policies, procedures and practices They concluded that, if certain changes were made, the number of college level course successes would increase The slides that follow detail the changes implemented for college year 2007-2009

2 Assessment and Placement Accuplacer continues as placement tool Telephone and online registration restricted to TSI complete students only All others must see advisor to register Reading and writing placement scores will remain the same Math scores have been adjusted upward

3 Assessment and Placement Math placement scores  MATH 0301 0 – 29 (same)  MATH 0302 30 – 62 (was 30 – 49)  MATH 0303 63 – 80 (was 50 – 62)  None 81+ (was 63+) College level math placement 81 – 100 New math scores apply to students who took Accuplacer for the first time beginning July 23, 2007

4 Assessment and Placement All courses now have TSI requirements They specify reading, writing, and math developmental levels for course entry Coded as R0-R3, W0-W2, and M0-M3  R – Reading, W – Writing, M – Math  “0” level indicates “no requirement”  Levels 1-3 indicate completion of or placement above corresponding developmental course  Example: R2 means completed READ 0302 or placed READ 0303 or higher

5 Assessment and Placement TSI course level requirements must be followed beginning Fall 2007 Advisement only used with Fall 2007 registration (no Colleague block) Colleague block to be in place before Spring 2008 registration A written override is required whenever the student fails to meet the TSI requirement New “Override Approval” form available

6 Assessment and Placement Requires signature of instructor, division chair, associate dean, or Dean of Instruction It’s the student’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate signatures Completed form returned to advisor (or clerk) for data entry Completed forms kept on file in Registrar's Office (Ms. Diaz)

7 Assessment and Placement Helpful course listings available on C&I website Includes courses with TSI requirements  All courses  Core courses only  Courses with “least” TSI requirements Also at the C&I website:  Catalog description of TSI course level requirement  ACCUPLACER placement chart (6/19/07) Go to “Featured Links” at top left

8 Assessment and Placement Regarding technical certificates – “While students in certificate programs are waived from remediation, they must meet the TSI requirements for technical and academic courses in their program curriculum. For students who fail to meet TSI course level requirements, written overrides will be required.”

9 Assessment and Placement Assessment and placement are just the starting points, much work remains... Acceleration of the developmental process so that more students reach the college-ready level sooner Implementation of a “lean and mean” core curriculum Realization of a systematic review and improvement process for programs and courses Inching us ever closer to “Perfection!”

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