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Published byClifton Wilkerson Modified over 9 years ago
What does social work profession promote? Which are basic values of social work profession?
1. The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.
What is a disability? Name main types of disabilities!
Disability is a physical or mental impairment which has real and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Which are basic rights of the children according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
The right to survival To develop to the fullest To protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation To participate fully in family, cultural and social life
Translate the following: Starenje donosi mnoge životne promjene, pozitivne i negativne, s kojima se valja suočiti i nastojati im se prilagoditi. U tom životnom razdoblju osoba zaključuje svoj radni vijek, odlazi u mirovinu, suočava se sa slabljenjem tjelesnih i duševnih sposobnosti, s porastom rizika od bolesti, invalidnosti, financijske ovisnosti, društvene potisnutosti, gubitkom bliskih osoba i mnogim drugim teškoćama. Zbog toga je starijim osobama više nego drugima potrebna potpora i pomoć obitelji, lokalne zajednice, ali tako đ er i organizirane mjere društvene zajednice. Stoga kvaliteta života u starosti u velikoj mjeri ovisi o vrsti i opsegu mjera društvene intervencije i razgranatosti mreža ustanova.
Ageing brings along many changes in life, both positive and negative ones, which have to be faced and adjusted to. In this period of life people finish their working life, enter retirement, are faced with the deterioration of their physical and mental capacities, as well as an increased risk of illness, disability, financial dependence, social marginalization, loss of their loved ones and many other difficulties. For this reason older persons need support and assistance from their family, the local community, but also the organized measures of society as a whole more than others. Therefore the quality of life in older age largely depends on the kind and extent of the social intervention measures and the distribution of the institutional network.
Translate the phrases below: Empowerment of people The Disability Discrimination Act The age of consent Being biased against others Subsidised services Protection from abuse and exploitation
Test sample 1.Translate the following phrases into English: Socijalni rad s pojedincem _______________________ Starenje ______________________________________ Starački dom __________________________________ Osobe s invaliditetom ___________________________ Odgoj djece ___________________________________
2. Translate the following phrases into Croatian: Social inclusion __________________________________ Infirm person ____________________________________ Change agents ___________________________________ Visually impaired person __________________________ Conformity to societal attitudes _____________________
3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word(s) from the list below: ethnic, needs, individual, caring, socially Social workers treat each person in a __________ and respectful fashion, mindful of ___________ differences and cultural and __________ diversity. Social workers promote clients’ ________________ responsible self¬- determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients’ capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own __________.
4. Complete the following statements: Principles of ___________ and __________________ are fundamental to social work. _______________________ passed in __________ is the law that aimed to tackle discrimination against disabled people in Great Britain. Ageing is a __________________ and __________________ process. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was agreed to in __________ (year).
5. Translate the following paragraph into Croatian: The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well¬being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.
Answer key Socijalni rad s pojedincem CASEWORK Starenje AGEING Starački dom NURSING HOME Osobe s invaliditetom DISABLED PERSONS Odgoj djece UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN
Social inclusion SOCIJALNA UKLJUČENOST Infirm person NEMOĆNA OSOBA Change agents NOSITELJI PROMJENA Visually impaired person SLABOVIDNA OSOBA Conformity to societal attitudes PODRŽAVANJE DRUŠTVENIH STAVOVA
Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients’ socially responsible self¬-determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients’ capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own needs.
Principles of HUMAN RIGHTS and SOCIAL JUSTICE are fundamental to social work. DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT passed in 1995 is the law that aimed to tackle discrimination against disabled people in Great Britain. Ageing is a NATURAL and SOCIAL process. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was agreed to in 1989.
Osnovna zadaća profesije socijalnog rada je povećanje dobrobiti ljudi i pomaganje u zadovoljavanju osnovnih ljudskih potreba svih ljudi, a posebna se pozornost poklanja potrebama i osnaživanju osoba koje su ranjive, potlačene i žive u siromaštvu.
Grading scale 0-23 - 1 24 – 27 – 2 28-32 – 3 33 – 36 – 4 37 – 40 - 5
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