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Poster presentation with PowerPoint Oulu 19.1.2016 Jouko Miettunen.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster presentation with PowerPoint Oulu 19.1.2016 Jouko Miettunen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster presentation with PowerPoint Oulu 19.1.2016 Jouko Miettunen

2 MS Office -software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) have similar functions Same things can be done with various ways –Mouse (menu, toolbar) or keyboard –Mouse / right click options Microsoft Office –software

3 MS Office –software –Different versions! Internet Explorer Adobe Acrobat Statistical software (e.g. SPSS) Compatibility

4 Can be done in PowerPoint –SmartArt, Shapes, Chart, etc. Can be done also with other software –Import using Insert –option or Clipboard (Copy/Paste) Figures and Graphs

5 Presentations Posters PowerPoint -software

6 Poster size and orientation –See instructions of the conference! –In Science days: “The maximum size of the poster is 100 cm (width) x 140 cm (height).” Other instructions (e.g. layout) Printing (e.g. Kulmakuvaamo) ‘Handouts’ E-posters (e.g. pdf) General

7 Create a new presentation –Design  Slide size –Design  Background, Themes Writing –Use ‘text boxes’ (Insert  Text box) –Text boxes can be aligned (Home  Arrange, Paragraph) –Fonts can be modified (Home  Font) Starting

8 Not too much text! –E.g. based on the abstract 2-3 font sizes and colours –Font size at least 36-40 pt Use columns Instructions I

9 Title Authors, affiliations Subheadings –E.g. based on the abstract Contact information ( email etc.) Acknowledgements –Funding etc. References –Handout can be used for more specific references and other information Instructions II

10 Include Pictures, Figures and Tables! Possible to include also video links! Instructions III - See Picture tools

11 Options: Prepare in PowerPoint Copy from Word/Excel -table –Edit in Word or in PowerPoint –Mouse right click gives Paste options Insert / Paste as a picture –E.g. from a pdf-file Inserting the table

12 Non-participants N = 40 Participants N = 61 TotalN%N%ORPWeight Disability pension 0.028 No36925.02775.01.00 0.805 Yes653147.73452.30.37 0.155 Antipsychotic medication 0.041 No663147.03553.01.00 1.139 Yes35925.72674.32.56 0.813 Hospital treatment days 0.124 Up to 75 days28725.02175.01.00 0.805 76 to 350 days331339.42060.60.51 0.997 Onset age 0.433 16.7-19.7 years301550.01550.01.00 1.208 19.7-23.3 years251040.01560.01.50 1.007 23.2-26.8 years24937.51562.51.67 0.966 26.8-31.0 years22627.31672.72.67 0.830 - See Table tools


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