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SOFTWARE QUALITY CONTROL IN AN OO DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Ledis Chirinos & Francisca Losavio ISYS Center - LaTecS Laboratory SQUAD Workshop Budapest, June.

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Presentation on theme: "SOFTWARE QUALITY CONTROL IN AN OO DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Ledis Chirinos & Francisca Losavio ISYS Center - LaTecS Laboratory SQUAD Workshop Budapest, June."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOFTWARE QUALITY CONTROL IN AN OO DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Ledis Chirinos & Francisca Losavio ISYS Center - LaTecS Laboratory SQUAD Workshop Budapest, June 7, 2001

2 Agenda Goals Configuration of the SQUID tool for OOMGRIN –Definition of the process model –Definition of the quality model Case Study Conclusion & Future Work

3 GOALS Apply the SQUID (Software Quality In the Development process) method&tool to an OO process based on OOMGRIN (OO Method for GRaphical user Interface development) Enrich the SQUID data base with data on an OO development process Improve the GUI development process based on the OOMGRIN method

4 OOMGRIN - Characteristics OO method for developing interactive systems, where GUI plays a major role Use case based for functional requirements elicitation Multiagent model style for the system architecture Reusable design elements (frameworks or architectural patterns, design patterns) for specifying the system architecture

5 OOMGRIN - Elements Use cases, as defined in OOSE and now in UML, to capture the system functionality with respect to the user of the system (actor) Entity, interface and control objects, as defined in OOSE, and now in UML Interface agents to model GUI objects


7 Configuration of the SQUID tool for OOMGRIN The development process model –The ISYS (Ingeniería de Software Y Sistemas) research center is an academic organization 15 researchers leading projects 30-45 undergraduate or graduate students (license, MSc, PHD) –Establish the review points, deliverables, activities

8 Development process review points

9 Development process deliverables

10 Development process activities

11 ISO 9126 quality model Reliability (E) Reusability (I) Instanciability (I) Abstraction(I) Robustness (E) Usability (E) Understandability (E) Complexity (I) Learnability (E) Complexity (I) Operability (E) Complexity (I) Maintainability (E) Reusability (I) Modularity (I) Cohesion (I) Coupling Flexibility (I) Coupling (I) Modifiability (I) Complexity (I) Coupling (I) Extensibility (I) Coupling (I)

12 External view of quality model

13 External measures of quality model

14 Internal view for Maintainability

15 Models Integration

16 Case Study SQUID (method&tool) applied to the construction of the HIGOO tool HIGOO: CASE tool for interactive systems development supporting OOMGRIN Specification, planning and control activities were carried out completely

17 Quality Specification Maintainability: Requirements and target values for the GUI component

18 Quality Planning Development process for GUI component –OOMGRIN Assign target values to internal quality attributes –based on the experience of previous projects developed with OOMGRIN


20 Quality Control

21 CONCLUSION Quality management of an OO software project has been carried out using the SQUID method&tool The SQUID configuration step, based on ISO 9126, has been used for quality requirements specification The ISO 9126 quality model has been customized to get the quality attribute measures for interactive systems developed with the OOMGRIN method

22 CONCLUSION OOMGRIN has benefited from the SQUID approach in the sense that –the method specification has improved, following the SQUID configuration step The OO development with OOMGRIN has the advantage that –since the objects involved are reusable design components (frameworks and design patterns), it was relatively easy to get the internal attribute measures

23 Future Work ISO 9126 quality model for capturing and specifying non functional quality requirements SQUID configuration step for being used as a first step in an architectural design method

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