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Published byNorma Lee Modified over 9 years ago
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Agro Climatic Zones Falls under Eastern Plateau and Hills Zone sub- divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area :137.90 lakh ha. (4.15 % of the country) Net sown area :47.75 lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) 57 % soil is medium to light. Forest cover :63.36 lakh ha. (46 % of its geog. area) Average rainfall :1327 mm. Net Irrigated Area: 14.15 lakh ha (30%) Farm families:37.46 lakh (31% ST, 12 % SC) 58% Marginal Farmers own :19% land 22% Small Farmers own :23% land 20% Others own :58% land Cropping intensity :138% Northern Hill Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone
Total area under Rabi / Summer crops estimated to be 17.75 lakh ha. which is 2% higher over last year. As per preliminary estimation area under pulses and oilseeds has increased by 2% and 4% respectively. Rabi 2013-14 An assessment Area Coverage : Production : Production of summer rice estimated to be 5.77 lakh ton which is 5% higher over last year. Estimated production of pulses assessed to be 7.19 lakh ton which is 8% higher over last year (6.63 lakh ton) Estimated production of oilseeds assessed to be 1.70 lakh ton which is 28% higher over last year (1.33 lakh ton). CropArea (000' ha.)% increase over last year 2012-132013-14 Cereal447.70447.560 Pulses853.11873.792% Oilseeds256.00267.304%
Rabi 2013-14 - Assessment Crops Area (000 Ha.)Production (000 MT) 12-1313-14 (Est.) % Increase / decrease 12-1313-14 (Est.) % Increase / decrease Wheat `` 162.03163.001235.75237.981 Maize 50.2255.001097.18106.7010 Summer Rice 231.02225.00-3548.28577.055 Total Cereals 447.07447.560884.38925.375 Gram 375.76392.775402.06432.057 Lathyrus 339.29339.280220.20222.231 Other Pulses 138.06141.74340.9964.9959 Total Pulses 853.11873.792663.25719.278 Mustard 142.37143.03073.3284.3915 Linseed 64.0865.86318.231.2872 Other Oilseeds 49.5558.411841.3354.7132 Total Oilseeds 256.00267.304132.85170.3828 Other Crops 180.98186.57361.5270.2314 Grand Total 1737.791775.2221742.001885.258
Less scope for horizontal expansion hence thrust will be on crop diversification & increasing productivity. Target fixed for total Kharif cropped area 48.15 lakh ha which is slightly higher over previous year. Emphasis will be on increase in Area under Maize, Pulses & Oilseeds. Targetted area for Maize - 2.35 lakh ha. (4 % increase over last yr.) Targetted area under pulses 3.66 lakh ha with 3 % increase over last year. Proposed area under Oilseeds 3.33 lakh ha 3 % higher over previous year. Kharif Prospects 2013 Targetted production :RiceMaizePulsesOilseedsTotal Lakh MT75.844.371.973.2085.77 % Inc. over last year0 %6 %5 %10 %1 %
Kharif Prospects 2013 Crops Area (000 Ha.)Production (000 MT) 2013 (Target) 2013 (Achiev.) 2014 (Target) % Increase / decrease 2013 (Target) 2013 (Achiev.) 2014 (Target) % Increase / decrease Rice 3658.00 3687.58 3646.00 7498.90 7559.54 7583.68 0 Maize 225.00 225.85 235.00 4 414.00 412.18 437.10 6 Minor Millets 91.00 84.56 95.00 12 36.13 32.13 39.25 22 Total Cereals 3974.00 3997.99 3976.00 7947.03 8003.85 8060.03 1 Arhar 140.00 134.43 140.00 4 93.80 90.07 95.20 6 Urd + Moong 185.00 182.50 186.00 2 82.43 81.24 83.87 3 Other Pulses 50.00 39.06 40.00 2 21.75 16.99 17.80 5 Total Pulses 375.00 355.99 366.00 3 197.98 188.30 196.87 5 Soybean 158.00 156.59 160.00 2 198.06 180.08 203.20 13 Niger 75.00 73.03 75.00 3 22.32 21.76 22.50 3 Other Oilseeds 103.00 92.39 98.00 6 94.04 89.57 94.61 6 Total Oilseeds 336.00 322.01 333.00 3 314.42 291.41 320.31 10 Other Crops 140.00 132.54 140.00 6 0.00 0 Grand Total 4825.004808.534815.00 0 8459.448483.558577.21 1
Kharif Seed Requirement and Availability for 2014 S.No.Crop Kharif 2013 Distribution Requirement (SSC) Availability Shortfall/ Excess SSCPvt.Total 1Paddy 64077866096274985751150801007140045 2Maize 21080100312941041510709678 3Kodo-Kutki 14321114610 1250 4Ragi 10036328070 175 Total Cereals 66300467183675241961565813984142148 5Arhar 668348924288245067381846 6Urd 3430282151924452964143 7Moong 17361127721130120275 Total Pulses 11849884048796025109042064 8Soybean 820008300061551112562676-20324 9Til 18019380365868675 10Ramtil 3104536290 176 11Groundnut 180015231651430159572 12Sun Flower 10140100 86 Total Oilseeds 843008518363148272065868-19315 13Sunhem/Dhencha 7914548207000 1518 Grand Total 76706777134182044677310897756126415 in Qtls.
ParticularsUreaDAPNPKMOPSSPOthersTotal Kharif 2013 Distribution 5.261.750.400.571.000.429.40 Kharif 2014 Demand5.502.100.900.751.850.4011.50 Qty. approved by GOI5.502.001.300.601.85-11.25 Anticipated Stock (01.04.2014) Institutional Agency Unit : Lakh MT Fertilizer - Demand and Availability for Kharif 2014 (Coop.+Pvt. Sector)
Group I :Strategy for enhancement of crop production : RICE : 1.Crop diversification – Replacement of uneconomical upland rice with suitable pulses and oilseeds. 2.Varietal change in rice – (i)Early and mid duration suitable HY / hybrid varieties instead of late varieties to promote double cropping (ii) Super fine/scented varieties instead of coarse varieties for better price gain. 3.Promotion of production & use of quality seed to enhance SRR. 4.Emphasis on maintaining soil health by adding organic manure, balanced use of fertilizers and bio-fertilizers. 5. Constitution of survey team for monitoring pest and disease incidence. 6. Promotion of use of soil ameliorants like lime and gypsum in problem soils.
Contd... (a)Rainfed situation : (i)Thrust on line sowing with weedicide application instead of broadcasting. (ii)Promotion of early / mid duration rice varieties to ensure timely sowing and area expansion under rabi crop. (iii)Distribution of improved seed kit to forest dwellers benefited under FRA. S.No.ParticularsUnit2013-142014-15% increase 1Area under line sowing000 ha.2382505
(b)Irrigated condition : (i)Emphasis on increase in area under transplantation / SRI. (ii)Thrust on use of chemical fertilizer and micro nutrient based on soil analysis. (iii)Distribution on green manuring seed to farmer on subsidized rate. (iv)Area expansion under hybrid rice. S.No.ParticularsUnit2013-142014-15% increase 1Area under transplantation000 ha.111211503 2Area under SRI method000 ha.68.3371.004 3Distribution of Zinc SulphateMT2950325010 4Area under green manuringHa.131881500013 5 Distribution of hybrid rice seed Qtls.39503430009 6Area under hybrid rice000 ha.19922010 Contd...
Pulses : (i)Thrust on use of quality seed. (ii)Cultivation of arhar on rice bund. (iii)Area expansion under intercropping of pulses. S.No.ParticularsUnit2013-142014-15% increase 1Quality seed distribution000 Qtl.11.8512.001 2Area under pulses000 ha.3563663 3 Cultivation of arhar on rice bund 000 ha.22525011 4Area under intercropping000 ha.20022512 Contd...
Oilseeds : Thrust on diversion of upland rice with suitable Oilseeds. Utilization of Rice bunds for growing Seasmum. Use of Quality Seeds and Rhizobium Culture. Timely sowing and need based plant protection. Proper drainage and timely weed control. S.No.ParticularsUnit2013-142014-15% increase 1Soybean seed distribution Qtls. 81900830001 2Other oilseeds distribution212021833 3Total oilseed distribution84300851831 4Culture distribution Lakh Packet 3.854.004 Contd...
WATER :- Harvesting and utilization of rain water. Selection of crops on the basis of available water. Irrigation on recommended depth. Adoption of specific irrigation method for various crop / soil type. Selection of crop and varieties to utilize in citumoisture. Use of mulching. Use of Sprinkler and Drip system. Intercropping of leafy vegetable with maize and sugarcane. NUTRIENTS :- Preparation of digitized district level soil fertility Map. Soil test based use of balance fertilizer. Preparation of crop/area specific package of practice of organic farming and technology. Taking up preparation of action plan for setting up of soil testing laboratories with micro- nutrient testing facilities. Distribution of soil health card to farmers. Split use of Nitrogen fertilizer. Foliar application of micro nutrients. Use of water soluble fertilizer for drip system. Group II :Adoption of Improved Technology for Efficient use of water, nutrients and plant protection chemicals :
PLANT PROTECTION :- Development of IPM practices. Development of resistant varieties and control measures. Popularization of farmers field school for judicious use of PP chemicals. Recommended PP chemical on the basis of threshold level. Regular field visit for pest surveillance. Contd...
EARLY ONSET OF MONSOON :- Immediately plough the field. Sow the low land as early as possible to avoid the submergence. Line sowing for proper placement of seed / fertilizer and weeding by cono-weeder. EARLY MONSOON WITH CONTINUOUS RAINS :- Sowing of germinated rice seed in puddled field. Nursery bed in upland top fields. Proper drainage for pulse and oilseed crops. Top dressing of nitrogen in pulse and oilseed crops. LATE ONSET OF MONSOON :- Selection of early to very early varieties. Gap filling or re-sowing. Higher seed rate. Additional dose of NPK. Transplanting of 4-5 seedlings per hill. Group III :Strategy for contingency plan in the event of aberrant south- west monsoon :
EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF MONSOON :- Irrigation of crops through all water harvesting structure. Collection and utilization of flowing water through Kachha /Cement bag check dam. PROLONGED MONSOON :- Drain out excess water. Sown rabi crops in place of utera. Early sowing of rabi crops. Adequate arrangement for procurement of farmers produce at MSP. Ensure timely payment. Promotion for processing & value addition. Contd... Group IV :Marketing intervention ensure remunerative prices of pluses, oilseeds and coarse cereal grains:
NEW STATE SCHEME Establishment of Agro-Service Centre :- Provision of Rs. 10 crores for setting up of Agro Service Centres with the subsidy of Rs. 10 lakh each to Agri-intrepreneurs / farmers. Minimum 1 Centre in each block. So for 223 centres established. Interest subsidy to agriculture entrepreneur :- A New scheme launched from the year 2013-14 which provides interest subsidy @4% maximum Rs. 4 lakh to the agri- entrepreneurs. Budget provision (Year 2013-14) - Rs. 200 lakhYear 2014-15-Rs. 220 lakh Agriculture tool kits to Agriculture labour :- Agriculture implement kit costing Rs. 42000 to a group of labour, will be distributed. Budget provision (Year 2013-14) - Rs. 500 lakhYear 2014-15-Rs. 550 lakh Seed / Fertilizer kit distribution to beneficiaries under forest right act :- Free seed and fertilizer for 1 acre of land to every forest right act beneficiary total number of forest dwellers - 2.20 lakh. Budget provision (Year 2013-14) - Rs. 5 croreYear 2014-15-Rs. 20 crore Cell for organic farming on mission mode :- Budget provision for Year 2014-15-Rs. 3 crore Promotion of pulses, oilseeds and maize to replace summer paddy :- Budget provision for Year 2014-15-Rs. 10 crore
Major State Initiatives Separate Agriculture Budget for agriculture and allied departments/agencies. Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 8542 crore, 2014-15 - Rs. 8496 crore 1.Assistance to Credit Institutions : (i) Cooperative / Rural Banks for disbursing interest free short term loan. Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 100 crore, 2014-15 - Rs. 140 crore (ii)Interest free loan given to Markfed for pre positioning of chemical fertilizers to ensure adequate and timely supply. Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 400 crore 2014-15- Rs. 288 crore (iii) Assistance to State Marketing Federation and State Civil Supply Corporation to compensate loses on procurement of Paddy at Minimum Support Price. Budget provision (2012-13) Rs. 1452 crore 2013-14- Rs. 3102 crore
2.Energy Department : (i)Assistance for energization of irrigation pumps. Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 136.10 crore 2014-15- Rs. 148 crore (ii) Assistance to State Power Distribution Co. Ltd. for providing free/subsidized electricity to farmers having irrigation pumps upto 5HP. Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 250 crore 2014-15- Rs. 300 crore 3.State Seed Corporation : (i)Budget provision to provide incentives to seed growers and farmers on Production and Distribution of quality seed. Production and distribution subsidy for Rice - Rs. 500 per qtls. Production subsidy for Pulses - Rs. 1000 per qlts. ParticularsUnitXI Plan2012-132013-142014-15End of XII Plan Total EnergizationNos1,42,00021,00022,00020,0001,10,000 Irri. Area ExpansionHa.1,22,00018,00018,50017,50093,500 Budget provision (2013-14) Rs. 30 crore 2014-15- Rs. 45.00 crore Particulars2003-042006-072011-122012-132013-14% increase over 06-07 Production444571241997378331046245133871528 Distribution7295512804369310973434487954520 Contd...
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