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Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Tier II & III Training Scheduling.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Tier II & III Training Scheduling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Tier II & III Training Scheduling

3 There is no way a single teacher has all the time, all the knowledge, and all the skills to meet all the needs of every child in his or her class(es). Buffman, Mattos, & Webber 2009 As a community we do and we can. unknown

4 Understand how to build an effective intervention schedule based on vision and time. Use what you have to get what you want (resources). Human Capital Materials –Space –Training Targets

5 Research-Based Core Curriculum w/ Strong Instruction Tier 2/3 Supplement al Intervention ASSESSMENT Formal Diagnostic As needed Formal Diagnostic As needed Progress Monitoring Weekly-Monthly Progress Monitoring Weekly-Monthly Universal Screening 3 times/year Universal Screening 3 times/year DATA-BASED DECISION MAKING Individual Problem Solving Team Schoolwide Screening reviewed 3 times/year Schoolwide Screening reviewed 3 times/year INSTRUCTION Tier 2/3 Supplement al Intervention Intervention Review Team 6-8 weeks Intervention Review Team 6-8 weeks Tier 3 Individualize d Intervention Individual Problem Solving Team 6-8 weeks Individual Problem Solving Team 6-8 weeks SPED referral?

6 Why are we doing this? What is the purpose? “Again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a decision waiting to be made.” ~ Robert H. Schuller Vision

7 Deep implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI) requires a firm commitment to the concept of increasing instructional time for non-proficient students in an already crowded instructional day. Having enough time for learning has been shown to be a key variable in student outcome. Why is scheduling important?

8 Prioritize instruction Maximize Resources –What do we have? People Materials Space Consider time needed to implement programs selected What do we need to consider?

9 When can it happen? Our most at-risk learners need the most coordinated instruction and support in generalizing skills across their day. Writing Specials ELD Core Reading Open Lunch & Recess Social Studies/Science Math Intervention 45 min 4 hours 15 min 1 hour

10 What drives our schedule? Kids or Adults ? The right response begins with the right questions…….

11 Response to Instruction and Intervention is a systematic, intentional way of asking these questions.

12 How do you find?

13 How much time? –30-45 minutes? –How many days a week? Which Interventions? –Available? –Most Effective? –Evidence-Based!! Who will teach? –Are they qualified? –Are they trained? Intervention Schedules

14 Structure –Within classroom –Other locations –Within grade –Across grades Consider what will provide greatest number of students interventions using least number of resources. Scheduling Intervention Time…..

15 Tiered Intervention blocks –Kindergarten 9:20-9:50 –First Grade 9:55-10:25 –Second Grade 10:30-11:00 –Third Grade 11:05-11:35 –Fourth Grade 12:30-1:00 –Fifth Grade 1:05-2:00 Options


17 In interventions? YES!!!!! Out of intervention? NO!!!!! SPED/ELL Students



20 Data


22 Developing an effective schedule is a process, not a moment in time Involve all stakeholders in the process and/or decisions made Sometimes hard choices are needed Sometimes very small changes make all the difference Remember…….


24 Effective schedules are critical for RTI to succeed Setting instructional priorities is a first step There most be time in the day for each priority activity When changing schedules, remember it is a process The schedule should foster success for all students Summary…

25 Have a discussion of how the current schedule is working –What is working well? –What is not working or what is missing? Use the scheduling tool to identify what needs to change and why Plan on posting any changes made when you get back to school to involve all stakeholders Work time to:

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