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CERN-Korea Committee 1 CMS report. CMS publications 2 Pub rate steady, ~2.5/week 391 papers submitted: +23 CRAFT based +25 ready for CWR or later +6 PubDraft.

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1 CERN-Korea Committee 1 CMS report

2 CMS publications 2 Pub rate steady, ~2.5/week 391 papers submitted: +23 CRAFT based +25 ready for CWR or later +6 PubDraft In review process (159): 97 GoingToPreApp or higher 62 in AanalysisWorkGroup Bulk of remaining Run 1 measurements targeting publication by summer (to avoid overlap with Run 2) 391 papers submitted Steady progress, we are now over the hump!

3 Recent results highlights 3

4 Higgs Combination Five main decay channels all published Combination submitted Dec 30 All results consistent with SM Higgs 4 Channel Obs (  )Exp (  ) H  ZZ 6.56.3 H   5.65.3 H  WW 4.75.4 H   3.83.9 H  bb 2.02.6 H   < 0.10.4 HIG-14-009

5 Parked data During RUn1 we have promptly reconstructed ~500 Hz of data and parked almost an equivalent amount for later reconstruction ( when CPU resources would be available) : this processing has been done during the Long shutdown period. At present > 20 analysis have profited of this additional statistics 5

6 Parked data: EG. VBF invisible Higgs 6

7 Our second Nature paper 7 Accepted two weeks ago and being published

8 Heavy Ions Jim Olsen - LHCC Open Session8 HIN-14-016 Pb

9 Run2 readiness In short: all subsystems, DAQ, dataflow, reconstruction software ready Have been in global data taking 24/7 for the last 8 weeks accumulating cosmic rays with and without field for alignment, synchronization and calibration This has followed 10 periods of 3 days global running started in June which progressively validated the commissioning of the new DAQ, Timing and Control distribution, the changes in the detector setups and more … 9

10 Korean contribution at the RPC project Korean Institutions are giving a great contribution to the RPC projects since many years. They are working on both hardware and software tasks and many students are working very well with us. Korea University built was one of the main actor in the RE4 upgrade. They built 600 gaps of bakelite RPC. 10 chambers have been assembled and tested at CERN by the SKK University group and are now running in CMS Web Based Monitoring tool is an Institutional responsibility of the Korea University. SKK has many responsibilities in the DPG (data quality, software release validation and DQM)

11 Software and Computing Commissioning of Higher Level Trigger Farm for Production Move to multi-core queues at CERN and Tier-1s Refactoring Tier-0 for Distributed Prompt Reconstruction and use of Agile Infrastructure Improvements in Data Access and AAA Improvements in Data Management and Dynamic Data Placement Improvements in Distributed Analysis (CRAB3) Work towards Opportunistic Computing (HLT now routinely used ‘opportunistically’ for offline tasks) Major progress: reco CPU Multithreading now standard

12 CMS Tier1 in Korea We support the creation of Tier1 in Korea at KISTI and we hope that we will keep moving in this direction: it would establish the Korean CMS community as a key CMS team in ASIA. It is not by chance that we plan to have the future CMS DataAnalysisSchool in Korea 12

13 13 Physics preparations for Run 2 Two major ‘timed’ exercises: CompSoftAnalysis-challenge14 (2 months in summer): focus on validation of new software framework, new miniAOD and validation of Physics Object reconstruction with 25 ns bunch spacing and higher Pileup at 13 TeV PHYS14 (2 months in fall) : end to end ‘run’ on High Priority Analysis for first 1-5 fb -1 at 13 TeV 1B events for startup (reconstructed twice: for 50ns and for 25 ns) PYTHIA8 samples already produced (~1/3 of overall budget) LO & NLO generators validated with 8 TeV data 1B events for startup (reconstructed twice: for 50ns and for 25 ns) PYTHIA8 samples already produced (~1/3 of overall budget) LO & NLO generators validated with 8 TeV data Monte Carlo production

14 Beam is back


16 Phase 2 upgrade 16

17 Executive Summary Technical Proposal to be submitted to June LHCC Trackers upgrades well defined: extended pixelated coverage in fwd region to  =4 Trigger: Track-Trigger at Level 1 baseline, basic parameters to cope with peak Lumi at 7.5 10 34 Hz/cm 2 Defined Calorimeter: – barrel electronics consolidation defined – Forward Calo: choice between two technologies will happen next week – Muons: first Upgrade ( GEM station to consolidate trigger and redundancy in critical forward region) TDR presented at March LHCC. Upgrade of barrel Electronics and improved forward robustness/rate capability defined 17

18 Muons 18 Improvements of existing detectors Electronics: DT minicrates, CSC inner MEx/1 readout needed for trigger upgrade Forward 1.6 < |η| < 2.4 upgrades L1 trigger rate reduction, enhanced redundancy GEMs: GE1/1 and GE2/1 iRPCs: RE3/1 and RE4/1 operation in higher rate Very forward extension muon tagging ME0 with GEMs 6 layer stub baseline 2.0 < |η| < 3.0 TDR presented to LHCC

19 GE1/1 19 GE1/1: precision chambers to guarantee high performance during late Phase I (LS2 installation) and throughout Phase II:  improve L1 and HLT muon momentum resolution, to reduce or maintain global muon trigger rate  restore redundancy GEM TDR:  upgrade high 

20 20 X3 reduction Forward trigger for |  |>1.6 relies entirely on the CSC system: Measurement driven by internal chambers: least scattering, strong B field. GEM detector in front of CSC can measure muon bending angle in magnetic field and add redundancy maintain 15 GeV online threshold, keep < 5 kHz rate, high efficiency Lever arm - trigger Why GE1/1 helps so much?

21 Korean committments to GE 1/1 21 KOREAN PLEDGED CONTRIBUTION: 800 K CHF

22 Korean Made GEM-Foils 22 Photos courtesy of Minkyoo Choi

23 Quality Control of Koran Foils Passed gas leak test! Passed HV test! Moving toward performance tests! 23

24 Upgrade phase 2 Cost estimate 24 If one takes the M&O A as a rough estimate of whwat one could expect form Korea the expected Korean share would be ≳ 6M CHF Estimated CORE cost in MCHF (2014) Pixel Detector27 Outer Tracker93 Tracking System120 Barrel Calorimeters (EB electronics, HB tiles)14 Endcap Calorimeters (see text)65 Calorimeters78 DT and CSC electronics10 Muon stations:GE11,GE21, RP31 and RP4110 Muon extension ME05 Muon Systems24 Beam Monitors and Luminosity4 L1 Trigger6 HLT6 DAQ + Trigger Control System6 Trigger and DAQ18 Common Infrastructure, Systems and Support25 Total270

25 25 o Cost spending profile assumes all projects target LS3 although it is considered to anticipate some work in LS2 for logistics and performance motivations o For new systems with large construction effort TDRs will be prepared by end 2016 - beginning 2017 - while Trigger/DAQ TDR will be prepared by 2018/2019 Planning and cost profile

26 A warm thank’you We would like to thank all of you, as well as the Korean Ministry you represent, for the long-standing and sustained support of the CMS experiment. It is thanks to this support that the Korean team in CMS is able to pursue its excellent research program. Support for travel will be very important now that we restart data taking and operations 26

27 Summary We have ‘emerged’ successfully from the Long shutdown with an improved detector, acquisition, trigger and Software We are looking forward to an exciting Run2 at 13TeV We are finalizing out Upgrade plans for the HighLuminosity LHC 27

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