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Hofstra University CTE Conference November 13, 2015 1 “Multiple Pathways- A Closer Look” New York State Education Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Hofstra University CTE Conference November 13, 2015 1 “Multiple Pathways- A Closer Look” New York State Education Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hofstra University CTE Conference November 13, 2015 1 “Multiple Pathways- A Closer Look” New York State Education Department

2 Multiple Pathways Beginning with the end in mind o Student achievement (graduation rate) o Dropout rate (student engagement) o More career-focused choices o Post secondary education success (or not) o Increasing options for graduation 2

3 Domains of College and Career Readiness 3 Defines the academic knowledge and skills students need to be successful in college and careers. Specifies the non- cognitive, socio-emotional knowledge and skills that help students successfully transition from high school to college or careers. Describes the career- specific opportunities for students to gain the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to pursue and succeed in their chosen career.

4 College & Career Ready Curriculum Regents Requirements Sequence of courses aligned to a pathway Approved alternative assessments CTE assessments & industry-certified exams Work-based learning Postsecondary Study Additional career training Employment Pathways are comparably rigorous routes to two-year and four-year colleges, additional career training, and employment. 4

5 Pathways What it means depends on who you are talking to: o Multiple Pathways (Regents policy) Arts, STEM, Humanities, LOTE/Biliteracy, CTE o Career Pathways (CTE, USDOE, USDOL, Perkins, WOIA) o Program of Study (CTE, USDOE, Career Clusters) o Program Approval (SED- CTE) 5

6 Current Status Multiple Pathways Arts - Blue Ribbon panel formed, currently reviewing available assessments STEM - No activity at this time LOTE/Biliteracy - No activity at this time Humanities - No activity at this time 6

7 CTE Pathway o an approved program is the major component of a CTE Pathway o 14 technical assessments have been approved for use in the “4-1” Regents exam option (beginning with June 2015 candidates for graduation) o Additional technical assessments being reviewed for approval o Current graduation requirements must still be met by students in CTE approved programs o Application process being developed for suggesting new assessments 7

8 Technical Assessment Three Parts for CTE Program Approval Endorsement o Written* o Performance o Project/Portfolio Many Approved Programs have more than one assessment (new amendment form in place) The Pathways 4+1 is an assessment option * Most of the Department Approved Pathways Assessments in CTE are written tests only 8

9 Technical Assessment Criteria Used by Expert Panel (2013) 1. The assessment provides credible evidence that the student is college and career ready. Following are some sources of credibility: (a) The assessment is recognized by employers in an industry sector. Ideally, a passing score provides a credential that will qualify the student for at least entry-level employment in the industry. Priority will be given to nationally recognized credentials. (b) If the assessment is normally completed at the post-secondary level, a cut score has been established for high school students that signifies the student is ready to take credit-bearing courses at the post-secondary level. (c) The assessment is widely recognized by post-secondary institutions within New York, for admissions and/or credit 9

10 Technical Assessment Criteria Used by Expert Panel 10 2.The assessment includes academic as well as technical learning. The following factors are considered. a)The examination covers a broad range of learning. Narrow technical examinations are not by themselves sufficient. Breadth may be achieved by “bundling” multiple examinations. b)The examination measures some of the knowledge and skills that comprise the Common Core State Standards, such as reading of technical materials or application of mathematical principles. c)The rigor of the assessment is comparable to that of Regents examinations.

11 Technical Assessment Criteria Used by Expert Panel 3.The assessment is for an occupation in a career cluster that is recognized by the State Education Department and is of clear economic value to the state of New York. The following factors are considered. a. The occupation is in high demand, meaning that a significant number of people are already employed in the occupation and/or that employment is increasing. b. The occupation generally pays experienced workers “a living wage.” At the very least, entry-level workers are paid above the minimum wage. c. The number of students eligible to take this assessment is large enough to warrant the Regents’ recognition. 11

12 Technical Assessment Criteria Used by Expert Panel 4. The assessment meets the following technical requirements. a) The examination is aligned with existing knowledge and practice and updated regularly (every four years in most cases). (b) The examination has acceptable psychometric properties. It is properly validated and free from ethnic or gender bias. A technical manual meeting testing industry standards is available for public inspection. (c) The examination questions are secure and administration oversight comparable to a Regents examination. (d) The organization responsible for the examination is considered credible by the State Education Department; e.g., makes standards publicly available, trains proctors, is affiliated with trade groups, provides data for instructional improvement, responds quickly to technical concerns and user questions. 12

13 Commissioner’s Regulations Requirements (2015) 1.Pathway assessments shall measure student progress on the State learning standards for their respective content area(s) at a level of rigor equivalent to a Regents examination or alternative assessment; 2.Pathway assessments shall be recognized or accepted by postsecondary institutions, experts in the field, and/or employers in areas related to the assessment; 3.Pathway assessments shall be aligned with existing knowledge and practice in the field(s) related to their respective content area(s) and shall be reviewed at least every five years and updated as necessary; 13

14 CR Requirements 4.Pathway assessments shall be consistent with technical criteria for validity, reliability, and fairness in testing; 5.Pathways assessments shall be developed by an entity other than a local school or school district; 6.Pathway assessments shall be available for use by any school or school district in New York State; and 7.Pathway assessments shall be administered under secure conditions approved by the commissioner. 14

15 Areas of Concern Consistency in Reporting (BOCES, School Districts) Expanding list of technical assessments Competing Programs- CTE, PTECH, Multiple Pathways Making sure that CTE Pathways are not just an assessment option 15

16 Next Steps- CTE Pathway Describing a true CTE Pathway o Maintaining Standards o Provide Continuum Structure o Best Practice o Collect the Data Research Pathway Models o School Reform o CTE Subject Specific 16

17 Challenges Keeping the Focus on Pathways o New Regents, other priorities o New senior management at SED o Building awareness of student benefits Our Shared Commitment o Consistent message o Accurate, complete data on student achievement o Tying it all together 17

18 Next Steps- CTE Pathway Determine student impact for June 2015 Review current approved program requirements and suggested improvements Provide guidance and clarification Provide Sample Pathways 18

19 Questions? Multiple Pathways Information Page o NYSED- CTE Office 518.486.1547 o email- o 19

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