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Author’s Purpose. There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author will write. There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author.

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Presentation on theme: "Author’s Purpose. There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author will write. There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author’s Purpose

2 There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author will write. There are five different reasons, or purposes that an author will write. To Inform the reader To Inform the reader To Persuade To Persuade To Explain To Explain To Entertain To Entertain To Express To Express

3 Inform Some types of writing are created to inform the readers about topics or events. You read them to find out factual information. Some types of writing are created to inform the readers about topics or events. You read them to find out factual information.

4 Persuade If a writer wants to make you feel a certain way about something, he or she is trying to influence or persuade you. If a writer wants to make you feel a certain way about something, he or she is trying to influence or persuade you.

5 Explain Some pieces of writing are created to give the reader specific instructions or directions or to teach the reader about the topic. Some pieces of writing are created to give the reader specific instructions or directions or to teach the reader about the topic.

6 Entertain Many stories and books are written to entertain readers by telling a good story. Many stories and books are written to entertain readers by telling a good story.

7 Express The author will express themselves when they want the reader to know how they feel. Poetry and editorials are examples of expression. The author will express themselves when they want the reader to know how they feel. Poetry and editorials are examples of expression.

8 Keep in Mind … Some writings will have more than one purpose. A story about a coyote might entertain you and teach (inform) you about coyotes at the same time. Some writings will have more than one purpose. A story about a coyote might entertain you and teach (inform) you about coyotes at the same time. Informing and explaining are very closely related. Make sure that you read questions about author’s purpose very carefully. Informing and explaining are very closely related. Make sure that you read questions about author’s purpose very carefully.

9 Tobacco companies have been in litigation, facing charges that their marketing practices in the past have targeted teenagers. Also, evidence indicates that companies adjusted levels of nicotine in their cigarettes to increase the probability that smokers would become addicted to the product to ensure higher sales in the future. Tobacco companies have been in litigation, facing charges that their marketing practices in the past have targeted teenagers. Also, evidence indicates that companies adjusted levels of nicotine in their cigarettes to increase the probability that smokers would become addicted to the product to ensure higher sales in the future.

10 Do you want to add years to your life and feel better too? Here are a few tips. First, to decrease your chances of heart attack, eat a handful of nuts each day. Also to ease the effects of arthritis, be sure to include some citrus, such as orange juice, in your diet. Finally, exercise on a regular basis. Include weight-bearing activities such as walking and jogging. Do you want to add years to your life and feel better too? Here are a few tips. First, to decrease your chances of heart attack, eat a handful of nuts each day. Also to ease the effects of arthritis, be sure to include some citrus, such as orange juice, in your diet. Finally, exercise on a regular basis. Include weight-bearing activities such as walking and jogging.

11 Game night at our house was hilarious when we played Cranium with two teams of three. Imagine Abraham, the savvy surfer, doing an expression of Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday.” Or Dave, the mucho body builder, swinging his hip and singing a medley of Madonna's songs. Game night at our house was hilarious when we played Cranium with two teams of three. Imagine Abraham, the savvy surfer, doing an expression of Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday.” Or Dave, the mucho body builder, swinging his hip and singing a medley of Madonna's songs.

12 Tommy and John were hot and sweaty as they sat outside the principal’s office. Dirt smeared both of their faces, and they could hear their teacher’s voice as she gave Mr. Jones her account of what had happened. Tommy sneered at John, and John returned the angry glare. As Miss Brown left Mr. Jones’ office, the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eye. Tommy and John were hot and sweaty as they sat outside the principal’s office. Dirt smeared both of their faces, and they could hear their teacher’s voice as she gave Mr. Jones her account of what had happened. Tommy sneered at John, and John returned the angry glare. As Miss Brown left Mr. Jones’ office, the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eye.

13 Thomas was not happy one little bit. His sister, Susan was making honor roll again. His parents would allow her to do anything she wanted to do. Thomas was not making honor roll this time and he was not going to be allowed to do all the things he wanted to do. Poor Thomas! He would just have to study harder and get back on the honor roll. Thomas was not happy one little bit. His sister, Susan was making honor roll again. His parents would allow her to do anything she wanted to do. Thomas was not making honor roll this time and he was not going to be allowed to do all the things he wanted to do. Poor Thomas! He would just have to study harder and get back on the honor roll.

14 Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on Feb. 12th. He was a great President of the United States. He was our 16th President. He is remembered for freeing the slaves. Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on Feb. 12th. He was a great President of the United States. He was our 16th President. He is remembered for freeing the slaves.

15 To the Editor: To the Editor: In 2001, Congress rushed to establish a multimillion- dollar compensation fund for the families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks, which supposedly could not be anticipated. In 2001, Congress rushed to establish a multimillion- dollar compensation fund for the families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks, which supposedly could not be anticipated. It seems only fair and appropriate that it do the same for the arguably much needier victims of the very much anticipated hurricane, who lost not just a family member, but virtually everything they had, including their homes, jobs, possessions, friends, neighborhoods and families. It seems only fair and appropriate that it do the same for the arguably much needier victims of the very much anticipated hurricane, who lost not just a family member, but virtually everything they had, including their homes, jobs, possessions, friends, neighborhoods and families. The precedent established with the 9/11 compensation for unprecedented terrorist attacks should apply to unprecedented natural disasters as well. The precedent established with the 9/11 compensation for unprecedented terrorist attacks should apply to unprecedented natural disasters as well. Lynn Westenberg Buffalo, Wyo., Sept. 4, 2005 Lynn Westenberg Buffalo, Wyo., Sept. 4, 2005


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