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2-2 Scientists and Society The World of Science – Course 2 Mrs. Bloch – Coral Gables Preparatory Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "2-2 Scientists and Society The World of Science – Course 2 Mrs. Bloch – Coral Gables Preparatory Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 2-2 Scientists and Society The World of Science – Course 2 Mrs. Bloch – Coral Gables Preparatory Academy

2 My Planet Diary pg. 68 Why are marine scientists in Sarasota Bay, Florida, spying on dolphins? Dolphins send out a series of high-frequency clicks to navigate and find food. They whistle to communicate with each other. The scientists are recording underwater sounds in the bay. They are also noting dolphin sightings. They will use the data to determine how boat noise in the bay affects dolphin behavior. Boat noise, underwater drilling, and sonar devices used by the military have all been shown to affect dolphins, porpoises, and whales. For this reason, it is a rich area of research for marine scientists. 1.How do you think boat noise could affect the Dolphins in the bay? 2. How could the work of the marine scientists Affect the boating community and the military?

3 How Do Scientists Affect Society? Pg. 69 Science discoveries have helped to bring cars, computers, phones, and other products to society. And today’s scientists are working on tomorrow’s discoveries. The work that scientists do changes society. In turn, society influences the work of scientists. How??

4 How Do Scientists Affect Society? Pg. 69 Sometimes scientific work conflicts with the beliefs of some people in society and society’s leaders. As a result, a scientist’s work causes a controversy, or a public disagreement between groups. Scientific controversies have happened often. Because scientists have defended their works, people today better understand the world. Scientists can change society by defending their work in the face of controversy.

5 Galileo Galilei pg. 69 In 1610, Galileo Galilei published his discoveries supporting the heliocentric model, a model of the universe in which Earth moves around the sun. This heliocentric model conflicted with the beliefs of his society’s leaders. In 1616, all books that supported this model were banned. Galileo published another book that supported this model. As a result, he was tried, found guilty, and lived the rest of his life under house arrest. Galileo’s stand eventually led to an acceptance of science as a way of explaining the natural world.

6 Galileo Galilei What is the order of events that led to Galileo’s house arrest?

7 Ignaz Semmelweis pg. 70 Ignaz Semmelweis, a doctor in the 1840s, observed that many women died of infections after giving birth in the hospital. After studying the problem, he suggested that doctors wash their hands before delivering babies. His solution to the problem was in conflict with common medical practices at the time. Therefore, Semmelweis lost his job at the hospital. Eventually, new discoveries about disease supported Semmelweis’s ideas.

8 Rachel Carson pg. 70 Rachel Carson was a biologist who wrote about science and nature. Her last book, Silent Spring, was published in 1962. It was about the effects of pesticides, such as DDT, on the environment. Pesticides are chemicals that farmers can use to kill insects that harm their crops. Carson used data to show how pesticides harmed animals, but many people disagreed with her ideas. Yet, in 1972, the government banned DDT, and Silent Spring played an important role in the government’s decision.

9 Apply it! Pg. 71 Suppose that fish in your town’s river are dying. Scientists conclude that polluted water from a nearby factory is killing the fish. If it costs too much to fix the problem, the factory will have to close. Many people in town work in the factory. Many others work in fishing camps that attract tourists who come for the great fishing. 1.Predict- Do you think each group below will reject or agree with the conclusion about why the fish are dying? Explain each answer. Factory Workers ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Fishing Camp Workers ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. Challenge- What would be a cost and a benefit if the town offered to fix the problem for the factory? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

10 Assess Your Understanding pg. 71 1a. Define- What is a scientific controversy? __________________ ______________________________________________________ b. Explain- Why was there controversy over Semmelweis’s ideas?______________________________________________________ I get It! Now I know that scientists can change society by _______________________________________________________________

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