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With the financial support of the European Commission Impact on employment in the EU-25 of CO2 emission reduction strategies by 2030 General conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "With the financial support of the European Commission Impact on employment in the EU-25 of CO2 emission reduction strategies by 2030 General conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 With the financial support of the European Commission Impact on employment in the EU-25 of CO2 emission reduction strategies by 2030 General conclusions and recommendations Conference Jobs in a low carbon Europe 20&21 February 2007, Brussels,

2 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Overview  Sector-specific impact on employment  Overall impact on employment  Recommendations

3 With the financial support of the European Commission  Sector-specific impact on employment

4 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Inter and intra sectoral flows  Substantial impact on employment through direct and indirect, intra- and inter-sectoral flows  3 dynamics at work :  A transfer of jobs from power generation activities to activities relative to energy efficiency and reduction of power consumption  A transfer of jobs from goods road transport and the private car to public transport activities for freight and passengers  A substitution effects within equipment industries  ‘Risks’ and ‘opportunities’ rather than ‘loosing’ and ‘winning’ activities’  Distinguish activities with clear positive / negative / undefined balance of risks and opportunities

5 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission

6 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission

7 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Activities with clear positive balance  Construction industry  Design and equipment manufacturing (RE, public transport, clean automotive tech)  Operating and maintenance for RES and Gas  Public transport  Energy savings consultants and engineers → Employment adjustment factors : training and appeal

8 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission

9 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Activities with clear negative balance  Power generation from coal (except with CCS?)  Refining  Steel → Employment adjustment factors :  the transition period  retraining

10 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission

11 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Activities with undefined balance  Automotive industries  Road freight transport  Nuclear generated electricity → Employment adjustment factors (industry):  size of companies  adoption of existing processes + innovation  easing the competitive pressure exerted by ‘non-Kyoto’ manufacturers

12 With the financial support of the European Commission  Overall impact on employment

13 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Overall impact on employment  Inherent limits of a meso-economic approach  No overall job losses, rather potentially positive impact, compared to BAU  Substantial impact in terms of saving jobs  But substantial productivity gains can still be expected in job-creating activities geared to the fight against CC

14 With the financial support of the European Commission  Recommandations

15 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Anticipating the necessary social consequences and ruptures  Make climate policies easier to predict, so that potentiel social impact can be anticipated  Adopt urgently EU quantified, autonomous and binding targets for MT and LT reductions in GHG emissions  Empower trade union organisations, in particular in the new Member States  Launch national and European foresight exercises to identify priorities for emissions reduction strategies

16 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Maximising positive spin-offs for employment  Regulation and standardisation to develop RES and enhance energy efficiency  Massive push for R&D and innovation that will transform the carbon constraint into a competitive asset for European companies and create new jobs and/or preserve existing ones  Social sustainability criteria for publicly-funded CDM and JI projects

17 Conference « Jobs in a low carbon Europe », 20 – 21 February 2007, Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission  Social P&M to manage the necessary social transitions  Forward-looking management of jobs and skills (Gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences)  Social dialogue and collective bargaining instruments adapted to climate policy challenge  New rights for workers' representatives

18 With the financial support of the European Commission  Thank you for your attention!

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