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Smart Policies for Smart Islands Malinska, Croatia, 6 November 2015 Nikos ISARIS DG CONNECT, European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Policies for Smart Islands Malinska, Croatia, 6 November 2015 Nikos ISARIS DG CONNECT, European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Policies for Smart Islands Malinska, Croatia, 6 November 2015 Nikos ISARIS DG CONNECT, European Commission

2 Smart Islands*  Sustainable local economic development  High quality of life for inhabitants  High quality of experience for visitors  Excellence in multiple key areas of sustainability, including EconomyEnvironment Education MobilityICTHuman capital EnergyWaterGovernance * EESC definition

3 Smart Policies*  Boost smart and sustainable development  Give competitive advantage  Turn unique characteristics into opportunities  Consider the island dimension  Implement at local, regional, national, and EU level  Relate to the Digital Agenda (among other policy areas) * EESC definition – TEN 558, 19 March 2015

4 The Digital Agenda for Islands  Investment in infrastructure  Broadband infrastructure  Internet penetration vs. Geographical isolation  Digital Single Market  Investment in R & D & I  Islands as research platforms  Social innovation

5 Smart-Islands: Research & Innovation use case Smart Web Services for the Mediterranean Islands A commercial innovation action rather than a typical R&D project Main objective: "Integrate multiple services for tourism, transportation, environment, civil protection, under the Smart-Islands Platform"

6 66 Smart-Islands 5.000+ downloads in Apple Store and Google Play in 2014

7 77 Smart-Islands

8 Explore all island facilities and services via a single touch Discover shops, restaurants, events, news, tours, and many more Panoramas, videos, social networks integration, GPS Detection Stunning 3D navigation integration Get impressive landmarks and POIs information Functionality

9 9 Smart-Islands EEIG = European Economic Interest Grouping  The Company was established in July 2014, in Trento, Italy  Shareholders: Fondazione Graphitech, Science Park Trento, Italy Epsilon International, SA GISIG NGO, Genova, Italy Epsilon Italia srl, Cosenza, Italy Hellenic Small islands Network, NGO, Greece  HQ address: Via alla Cascata, 56/C ; 38123 Trento, Italy Office: +39 0461 283395; Fax: +39 0461 283398 EEIG

10 Smart Cities as drivers for development  Cities acting as innovation facilities at large scale  Smart Santander  OrganiCity (Aarhus, London, Santander)  An integrated development model applicable to islands  Open technology platforms and standards  New digital services  Infrastructures and sensors  Digital skills  Innovative procurement and pre-commercial procurement

11 Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC)  Network of National Smart City Networks (2+ cities / country)  Driven by cities and focused on implementation  Open and demand-driven standards  Investment Plan:  National, regional, local funding + EU funding:  H2020 Research and Innovation  European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)  European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)  European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)



14 Thank you for your attention! Nikos ISARIS DG CONNECT, European Commission

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