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Assistive Technology Assistive technology is defined as any kind of device that assists a person in accomplishing an assignment. Also, this includes services.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Assistive technology is defined as any kind of device that assists a person in accomplishing an assignment. Also, this includes services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Assistive technology is defined as any kind of device that assists a person in accomplishing an assignment. Also, this includes services to learn how to operate the device. Assistive technology can range from an object as cheap and simple as a pencil grip to an object as complex and expensive as a laptop.

2 The Law in Regard to Assistive Technology In 2004, the federal government revised the law that concerned assistive technology. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that any student receiving special education services must be evaluated for assistive technology. Therefore, the eduactional team must decide if there is an assistive technology device that will increase a student with disabilities level of functioning.

3 Hearing Impaired This hearing impaired assistive device is called a Baha 4 Connect System. It assists with bone conduction hearing. An implant is placed into a person's ear, and he or she is able to hear by converting sounds into vibrations. As a result, The vibrations entice the inner ear to react.

4 Seeing Impaired Braille books are assistive technology devices for people who are visually impaired or blind. It is a system composed of raised dots. Someone who is blind can read the text by running his or her hands across the dots.

5 Learning Disabled The smartpen can help a student with a learning disability. The smartpen can help a student who has a difficult time taking notes in class. The pen can transfer what a student writes onto several devices (computers, tablets, and iPads).

6 Physically Disabled Orthoses are for a student with a physical disability. Orthoses have two main jobs. First, they help a person gain strength in weak limbs. Second, they are credited for preventing deformities.

7 References Chin, C. (2014). Assistive Technology Devices for the Blind and the Visually Impaired. Retrieved from Technology-for-the-Blind Cochlear. (2014). The Baha 4 Connect System. Retrieved from for-hearing-loss/bone-conduction-implants/baha-4-connect- system/baha-4-connect-system Cross the Hurdles. (2010). Assistive Devices for Physically Disabled. Retrieved from hysically_Disabled Livescribe. (2007-2013). Livescribe Smartpens. Retrieved from PBSparents. (2003-2014). Assistive Technology. Retrieved from for-learning-disabilities/assistive-technology/

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