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PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama chapter 12 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

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1 PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama chapter 12 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Team Leadership

2 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–2 Learning Outcomes 1. 1.Describe the major differences between groups and teams. 2. 2.Explain the group performance model. 3. 3.List and explain the three dimensions of group types. 4. 4.Define the three major roles played in groups. 5. 5.State the differences between rules and norms. 6. 6.Describe cohesiveness, and explain why it is important to teams. 7. 7.List the four major stages of group development, and describe the appropriate leadership style usually associated with each. 8. 8.Explain the difference between a group manager and a team leader After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

3 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–3 Learning Outcomes (cont’d) 9. 9.Discuss the three parts of meetings. 10. 10.Define the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

4 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–4 IDEAS ON MANAGEMENT at W.L. Gore & Associates 1. 1.How does W. L. Gore & Associates benefit from the use of groups and teams? 2. 2.How does W. L. Gore’s group structure facilitate teamwork? 3. 3.How is group process managed at W. L. Gore? 4. 4.What programs are in place at W. L. Gore to foster group development? 5. 5.How does W. L. Gore ensure productive meetings?

5 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–5 Groups and Teams GroupGroup  Two or more members with a clear leader who perform independent jobs with individual accountability, evaluation, and rewards. TeamTeam  A small number of members with shared leadership who perform interdependent jobs with both individual and group accountability, evaluation, and rewards.

6 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–6 Exhibit 12–1 ● Groups versus Teams

7 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–7

8 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–8 Join the Discussion Ethics & Social Responsibility Team PlayersTeam Players 1. Is it necessary to be a team player to be a successful employee at JetBlue? 2. Is it ethical and socially responsible of JetBlue to reject job candidates because they are considered not to be team players?

9 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–9 Exhibit 12–2 ● Group Performance Model

10 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–10 Group Types Formal GroupsFormal Groups  Created by an organization as part of its formal structure. Informal GroupsInformal Groups  Created spontaneously; not part of the formal structure of the organization. Functional GroupsFunctional Groups  Contain members from a limited organizational area. Cross-Functional GroupsCross-Functional Groups  Contain members from different organizational areas and/or levels.

11 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–11 Exhibit 12–3 ● Functional and Cross-Functional Groups

12 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–12 Group Types (cont’d) Command GroupsCommand Groups  Consist of managers and the employees they supervise. Task GroupsTask Groups  Consist of employees selected to work on a specific objective.  Task force  A temporary group formed for a specific purpose.  Standing committee  A permanent group that works on continuing organizational issues. Global Virtual TeamGlobal Virtual Team  Team members are located in different places but work together as a team using telecommunications technologies.

13 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–13 Group Size, Structure, Composition, and Leadership Groups tend to be larger than teams. Teams tend to have few members. Groups are more formal and tend toward autocratic leadership. Teams are informal and tend to have participative leadership. Members should be diverse and have complementary skills. Diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous groups. Leadership and Structure Group Composition Number in Group Groups have broadly- defined (organizational) objectives. Teams develop their own objectives. Leadership and Objectives TeamsGroupsversus

14 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–14 Exhibit 12–4 ● Dimensions of Group Structure

15 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–15 Group Process Group ProcessGroup Process  The patterns of interactions that emerge as members perform their jobs. Group Process DimensionsGroup Process Dimensions  Include roles, norms, cohesiveness, status, decision making, and conflict resolution.

16 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–16 Group Process (cont’d) Group RolesGroup Roles  Task roles  Members who do and say things that directly aid in the accomplishment of the group’s objectives.  Maintenance roles  Members who do and say things to develop and sustain the group process.  Self-interest roles  Members who do and say things to hurt the group and help themselves.

17 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–17

18 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–18 Group Process (cont’d) Group NormsGroup Norms  The group’s shared expectations of its members’ behavior.  Norms develop spontaneously through the interactions of group members.  Compliance with norms is enforced by the group.  Leaders should work toward maintaining and developing positive norms.

19 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–19 Join the Discussion Ethics & Social Responsibility NormsNorms 1. Should employees be able to “do their own thing” without group enforcement of norms? 2. Is it ethical and socially responsible for groups to develop and enforce norms? If yes, what type of ethical standards should a group have?

20 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–20 Group Process (cont’d) Group CohesivenessGroup Cohesiveness  The extent to which members stick together.  Factors positively influencing cohesiveness:  Agreement with and commitment to objectives  Small size  Homogeneity among group members  Equal level of member participation  Focus on external competition  A successful group

21 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–21 Group Process (cont’d) Status within the GroupStatus within the Group  Status is the perceived ranking of one member relative to other members in the group.  Based on performance, job title, wage or salary, seniority, knowledge or expertise, interpersonal skills, appearance, education, race, age, sex, etc.  High status members have a strong influence on the group and its performance.

22 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–22

23 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–23 Exhibit 12–5 ● Dimensions of the Group Process

24 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–24 Stages of Group Development and Styles of Leadership 1.Orientation Autocratic leadership 2.Dissatisfaction Consultative leadership 3.Resolution Participative leadership 4.Production Empowering leadership 5.Termination

25 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–25 Exhibit 12–6 ● Stages of Group Development and Leadership Styles

26 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–26 Developing Groups into Teams TrainingTraining  Train the group in group process skills. The Management FunctionsThe Management Functions  Planning  Empower members to set objectives, develop plans, and make decisions.  Organizing and staffing  Have members participate in selecting, evaluating, and rewarding members.  Leading  Develop team leaders who can change leadership styles as the group develops.  Controlling  Have members monitor progress, take corrective action, and perform quality control.

27 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–27 Leadership Skills for Meetings Planning MeetingsPlanning Meetings  Set objectives.  Select participants and make assignments.  Prepare the agenda.  Set the time and place for the meeting.  Determine who will lead the meeting.  Prepare to use technology. Conducting MeetingsConducting Meetings  The three parts of meetings 1. Identify objectives. 2. Cover agenda items. 3. Summarize and review assignments.

28 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–28 Exhibit 12–7 ● Meeting Plan

29 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–29 Leadership Skills for Meetings (cont’d) Handling Problem MembersHandling Problem Members  Silent type  Talker  Wanderer  Bored member  Arguer

30 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–30

31 Copyright © 2009 South-Western/Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.12–31 KEY TERMS groupgroup teamteam group performance modelgroup performance model group structure dimensionsgroup structure dimensions group typesgroup types command groupscommand groups task groupstask groups global virtual teamsglobal virtual teams group compositiongroup composition group processgroup process group process dimensionsgroup process dimensions group rolesgroup roles normsnorms group cohesivenessgroup cohesiveness statusstatus stages of group developmentstages of group development team leadersteam leaders

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