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The Siege of Yorktown (VA) October 19, 1781 – British surrender, ending the American Revolution.

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2 The Siege of Yorktown (VA) October 19, 1781 – British surrender, ending the American Revolution

3 States Begin Making Constitutions (How They Will Be Governed) 1776 May 1787 – September 1787 July 4, 1776 1780 A few states start writing state constitutions Declaration of Independence signed; Most of the remaining states begin writing state constitutions Most of the 13 states had adopted state constitutions Delegates from the states attend a meeting in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation and adopt a new, national constitution All of the 13 states ratified The Articles of Confederation (the 1 st American constitution) Early1781 During the American Revolution Siege of Yorktown: End of American Revolution October 19, 1781

4 Geographical Changes Under the Treaty of Paris Spain took Florida U.S. took all land EAST of the Mississippi River (Except Florida) Drew a border between British North America (present-day Canada) and the United States


6 Freedom independence equality inalienable rights Religious Civil Right Free Worship God Freedom


8 ASSESSMENT Get a laptop or your smart phone out

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