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HISTORICAL TIME By: Malav Shah My book is the Squire’s Tale.

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1 HISTORICAL TIME By: Malav Shah My book is the Squire’s Tale

2 TEXT EVIDENCE OF THE TIME PERIOD My text evidence is of this book being about the Medieval time is “ So this was Merlin!” This is on page 30 and on paragraph 4. Another piece of text evidence is “Nephew! Arthur cries. He leaped forward and embraced Gawain kissing him on both cheeks. This is on page 31 and on paragraph 6.

3 IS THE TEXT EVIDENCE REAL?  The first piece of text evidence is true because Merlin may have lives in 1136 but there isn't hard proof. King Arthur and Merlin might not have lived the same time though.  King Arthur might have lived but historians don’t know when, they believe he lived between the 1 st century and the 13 th century.

4 MORE TEXT EVIDENCE  “Adequately. Unless the Five Kings have resources that we don’t know about.” This is one page 27, paragraph 4  “Gawain looked grim. Nay, But my father is dead now” This is on page 26, on paragraph 3  “Two who would be the knights of the Round Table?” this is on page 24, paragraph 4

5 MORE TEXT EVIDENCE  “We shall go to war against the Five Rebel Kings.” This is on page 28, paragraph 1.  “In fact, only Arthur and Merlin know it. This is on page 45, paragraph 1  “Deliberately, she lifted her veil over her head.” This is one page 57 into 58 and on paragraph 7

6 Text Evidence  “You are an enchanter.” this is on page 168, paragraph 2  “How about a run-down castle in Winchelsea?” This on page 77, on paragraph 10.

7 Is Text Evidence Real?  The only resources that the Five Kings could have is gun powder. Gun powder isn't really strong when it is first invented but after it gets more upgrade knights are useless.  Gawain’s father might not have been real, sae with King Arthur and Gawain himself. If his father is real then he might have died in battle with the proof that we have with tales.  The Knight of the Round table is a real thing but it we don’t know who was in it.

8 Is The Text Evidence Real?  Historians don’t know if there was a war against the Five Knights so it might not have happened.  Arthur and Merlin might not be real and if they are real then they might not have lived in the same time period.  Women could become knights but that rarely ever happened.  An enchanter is a person that makes potions and that is a sorcerer.  Winchelsea might not be a real place but it could be because of how many tales it has been mentioned in.

9 Is this Medieval?  This is the Medieval Time period because of the people and the places. This is also The Medieval Time period because many of the stories in this book comes from Medieval tales. Most of my text evidence has examples of Medieval Tales

10 My Bibliography  Gunpowder. Kallie Szczepanski, 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.. History of Winchelsea. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.. King Arthur & The Knight of the Round Table. Nathan Currin, 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.. what is an enchanter. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2013..

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