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What is a beat?  Journalism that involves in-depth reporting on a particular issue, sector, organization or institution over time.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a beat?  Journalism that involves in-depth reporting on a particular issue, sector, organization or institution over time."— Presentation transcript:






6 What is a beat?

7  Journalism that involves in-depth reporting on a particular issue, sector, organization or institution over time


9 Typical journalist beats  Education: primary, school board, colleges

10 Typical journalist beats  Education: primary, school board, colleges  Crime: courts, police, sheriff, gang violence

11 Typical journalist beats  Education: primary, school board, colleges  Crime: courts, police, sheriff, gang violence  Sports: baseball, basketball, individual teams, high school, outdoors, football, weekend

12 Typical journalist beats  Education: primary, school board, colleges  Crime: courts, police, sheriff, gang violence  Sports: baseball, basketball, individual teams, high school, outdoors, football, weekend  Politics: city, county, state, federal



15 Typical journalist beats  Education: primary, school board, colleges  Crime: courts, police, sheriff, gang violence  Sports: baseball, basketball, individual teams, high school, outdoors, football, weekend  Politics: city, county, state, federal  Business: real estate, manufacturing, unions, marketing, advertising, finance, banking, retail… even individual companies

16 Typical journalist beats  Lifestyles: fashion, family, celebrities

17 Typical journalist beats  Lifestyles: fashion, family, celebrities  Entertainment: restaurants, theater, movies, comedy, music (classical, rock, jazz, opera, hip hop)

18 Typical journalist beats  Lifestyles: fashion, family, celebrities  Entertainment: restaurants, theater, movies, comedy, music (classical, rock, jazz, opera, hip hop)  Among others are science, environment, obituaries, health care, food & nutrition, the web, religion, non-profits, community, home and garden, weddings... even crosswords and bridge

19 Why have beat reporters?

20  Beat reporters develop relationships with sources, leading to better stories

21 Why have beat reporters?  Beat reporters develop relationships with sources, leading to better stories  Beat reporters become experts in their coverage areas

22 Why have beat reporters?  Beat reporters develop relationships with sources, leading to better stories  Beat reporters become experts in their coverage areas  They can provide both facts and commentary to make their beat relevant to readers/viewers/listeners

23 You got a beat, now what?

24  Research

25 You got a beat, now what?  Research  Talk to predecessor and editors

26 You got a beat, now what?  Research  Talk to predecessor and editors  Meet your sources: bosses and underlings

27 You got a beat, now what?  Research  Talk to predecessor and editors  Meet your sources: bosses and underlings  Get organized: sources, upcoming events, story ideas

28 You got a beat, now what?  Research  Talk to predecessor and editors  Meet your sources: bosses and underlings  Get organized: sources, upcoming events, story ideas  Hit the streets!

29 A few beat tips  Follow the money

30 A few beat tips  Follow the money  Don’t get used

31 A few beat tips  Follow the money  Don’t get used  Write for the readers, not for the insiders

32 A few beat tips  Follow the money  Don’t get used  Write for the readers, not for the insiders  Translate jargon into English

33 A few beat tips  Follow the money  Don’t get used  Write for the readers, not for the insiders  Translate jargon into English  Don’t give up too easily... be persistent

34 A few beat tips  Follow the money  Don’t get used  Write for the readers, not for the insiders  Translate jargon into English  Don’t give up too easily... be persistent  Don’t shun good news

35 A few beats


37 Obituaries  At everywhere but NY Times, considered among the worst beats

38 Obituaries  At everywhere but NY Times, considered among the worst beats  Death is news... if it occurs naturally (non-celeb), then it’s an obit

39 Obituaries  At everywhere but NY Times, considered among the worst beats  Death is news... if it occurs naturally (non-celeb), then it’s an obit  People die, not “pass away”

40 Obituaries  At everywhere but NY Times, considered among the worst beats  Death is news... if it occurs naturally (non-celeb), then it’s an obit  People die, not “pass away”  Generally don’t go into personal problems or cause of death if something such as overdose or suicide

41 Obituaries  At everywhere but NY Times, considered among the worst beats  Death is news... if it occurs naturally (non- celeb), then it’s an obit  People die, not “pass away”  Generally don’t go into personal problems or cause of death if something such as overdose or suicide  Funeral homes provide you with most details… age, date of death, address, relatives, military service, funeral arrangements


43 Accidents and disasters

44  “If it bleeds, it leads...”

45 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best

46 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims,

47 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death

48 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause

49 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location

50 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times

51 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances

52 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances, vehicles

53 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances, vehicles, arrests and charges

54 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances, vehicles, arrests and charges, comments

55 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances, vehicles, arrests and charges, comments, acts of heroism

56 Accidents and disasters  “If it bleeds, it leads...”  Standard inverted pyramid is usually best  For accidents, be sure you have: victims, extent of injuries/death, cause, location, times, circumstances, vehicles, arrests and charges, comments, acts of heroism, other facts



59 It’s a crime  Usually time for inverted pyramid

60 It’s a crime  Usually time for inverted pyramid  Avoid jargon

61 It’s a crime  Usually time for inverted pyramid  Avoid jargon  Don’t convict people arrested: “arrested and charged with robbery”... not a “robber” or “arrested for “robbery”

62 It’s a crime  Usually time for inverted pyramid  Avoid jargon  Don’t convict people arrested: “arrested and charged with robbery”... not a “robber” or “arrested for “robbery”  Get victim’s names and info, extent of injuries/death, location, time, circumstances, description of suspect, name and ID of perp, unusual factors


64 Fires  Get to the scene if possible and get as close as possible

65 Fires  Get to the scene if possible and get as close as possible  Usually inverted pyramid but don’t forget the drama

66 Fires  Get to the scene if possible and get as close as possible  Usually inverted pyramid but don’t forget the drama  Seek out the captain on the scene at command post







73 Assignment 1/21  We will have Jim Curtis, author of Skyway, in the newsmaker seat


75 Assignment 1/21  We will have Jim Curtis, author of Skyway, in the newsmaker seat  Research Jim via internet

76 Jim Curtis  Search hints: use Sarasota Herald- Tribune, Tee time golf pass, Sunshine Skyway disaster, tee time marketing (note “core values”), Shippensburg (small town in Pennsylvania)

77 Assignment 1/21  We will have Jim Curtis, author of Skyway, in the newsmaker seat  Research Jim via internet searches  Research the 1980 accident that destroyed one of the original spans

78 Assignment 1/21  We will have Jim Curtis, author of Skyway, in the newsmaker seat  Research Jim via internet searches  Research the 1980 accident that destroyed one of the original spans  Research book Skyway by Curtis (available on amazon etc.)

79 Assignment 1/21  We will have Jim Curtis, author of Skyway, in the newsmaker seat  Research Jim via internet searches  Research the 1980 accident that destroyed one of the original spans  Research book Skyway by Curtis (available on amazon etc.)  Develop questions to ask Jim in prep for a writing assignment

80 Assignment 1/21  Read pages 100-109 of Inside Reporting

81 Assignment 1/21  Read pages 100-109 of Inside Reporting  Do exercise #2 on page 110

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