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Handball Development in Nottinghamshire. Progress in Notts - 2014 From 2011: A University Team and some interest in the Sport. To now: A thriving club.

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Presentation on theme: "Handball Development in Nottinghamshire. Progress in Notts - 2014 From 2011: A University Team and some interest in the Sport. To now: A thriving club."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handball Development in Nottinghamshire

2 Progress in Notts - 2014 From 2011: A University Team and some interest in the Sport. To now: A thriving club structure. A full time Development Officer – Handball. Structured Schools programme.

3 The Approach Volunteer led – development driven by committed, passionate Handball people. Partners supported club development. County Group set – up. Funding attained for Development Officer.

4 Ask & Apply ‘Give it a go’ attitude Right People, Right Place, Right Time County Group provides ‘A Voice!’ The ‘Right Man’ for the job! Why it worked…

5 What can Sports Development do for you? Funding: never send in an application without Officer support. (Proper) Marketing support: not just sending out a tweet. Combined approach: National, County & Local. Framework for your Sport. Coach and Volunteer Development. Insight and local knowledge. RECRUITMENT – initiatives and more….

6 Table Discussion... 1.List all your main priorities moving forward as a Club & from which determine your top 5. e.g. Recruit new lady members. 2.What are the key areas of support you require.

7 Q & A Opportunity

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