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Agenda Journal? Writing Pre-Test? Discussion – how would you fix Europe Notes Intro map assignment/Album project Crash Course?

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Journal? Writing Pre-Test? Discussion – how would you fix Europe Notes Intro map assignment/Album project Crash Course?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Journal? Writing Pre-Test? Discussion – how would you fix Europe Notes Intro map assignment/Album project Crash Course?

2 Second Revolution November 1917-Communist leader Vladimir Lenin seizes power Lenin insisted on ending Russian involvement in the war Offers truce with Germany the Treaty of Brest – Litovsk signed (march 1918), withdrew Russia from war very harsh; Russia lost 25% of land and population

3 Final Offensive Russian’s withdrawal allowed Germany to send nearly all its forces to the Western Front March 1918, Germany mounts final offensive on the Allies in France By May 1918 they have again reached the Marne River (less than 40 miles from Paris)

4 Final Offensive Reaching Marne had weakened Germany Allies, with 140,000 fresh US troops, launched counter attack July 1918-Second Battle of the Marne Allied tank offensive breaks through German line and begins pushing Germany back German morale collapses and troops desert

5 US Involvement in WWI

6 German Submarines German U-Boats Blockades Unrestricted submarine warfare

7 Lusitania May 7, 1915 a German Submarine sank the British passenger ship Lusitania 1,198 dead 128 U.S. citizens Germany claimed the ship had been carrying ammunition, which turned out to be true (relatively small amount) American public is outraged, President Wilson sends protest to Germany Germany finally agrees not to attack neutral and passenger ships


9 Closer to joining war Return to USW Germany knew this might lead to war with the US gambled that their naval blockade would starve Britain into defeat before the US could mobilize. President Wilson sends warnings but Germany sinks 3 more US ships

10 The Zimmermann Telegram January of 1917 British deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to Mexico Claimed to help Mexico re-claim lost land Become allies with Germany Considered a declaration of war


12 The Zimmermann Telegram Last straw! April 2, 1917-President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany American population already favored allies: Common history/language bond with England Common democratic institutions and legal system with England Economic ties

13 Defeat of the Central Powers The arrival of American troops leads to victory for the Allied Powers November 11 th 1918, Germany signs an armistice Give up large part of naval fleet Turn over munitions Release war prisoners Allies would occupy W. Germany Cost of War 8.5 million troops killed, 21million wounded 300 billion dollars


15 What do numbers really mean? Entire generation of Europeans wiped out Estimated cost: 338 billion dollars (in 1918 dollars) 5 trillion in today’s dollars Total destruction of cities, towns, villages, farms Legacy of despair, depression, disillusionment Conflicts still unresolved

16 Paris Peace Conference January 1919 “Big 4” meet to decide terms of peace US, GB, France, Italy US Fairness for all League of Nations European Allies Disassemble Germany Reparations

17 Treaty of Versailles Simulation

18 The Terms of Peace

19 Statistics Germany 1.8 million Russia1.7 million France1.3 million Austria-Hungary1.2 million British Empire908,000 Italy650,000 Ottoman Empire350,000 USA116,000 TOTALover 8.5 million

20 Central Powers Collapse September 1918 Bulgaria surrenders Austria-Hungary meets defeat and begins breaking apart October 1918 Ottomans accept defeat Germany stands alone against the Allies in November 1918 November 9, 1918-Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down, Germany declares itself a republic

21 Fourteen Points President Wilson’s #1 reason for joining the WWI was to preserve worldwide democracy Fourteen Points No secret treaties Freedom of the sea Remove economic barriers Reduce arms/weapons Adjust colonial claims Est. a “General Assoc. of Nations”

22 Creating a New Europe After World War I

23 Treaty of Versailles Results of the 6 month Paris Peace Conference Dealt harshly with Germany Wilson Disappointed..14 Points not followed Results Land / Borders changed to benefit Allies Germany had to: Abolish their military draft Abolish their military industry (tanks, planes etc.) Abolish all U-Boats Pay Reparations (penalty payments for WWI)

24 Fates of Former Territories

25 League of Nations Purpose: International cooperation Keep peace by settling disputes and reducing arms World Court Cases regarding international law Economic Sanctions Impose on offending nations US never joined (Congress did not approve) Feared being dragged into another war over issues that did not concern them

26 Legacy of the War With the person sitting next to you: Discuss the legacy of the War: What was different about this war than earlier conflicts? Predict what will be different moving forward? Will anything remain the same? Should any countries be held responsible? If so, how?

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