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Inclusive Education in Mozambique: Law, Police and Practices Cantol Pondja.

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1 Inclusive Education in Mozambique: Law, Police and Practices Cantol Pondja

2 Law and Policy  Constitutional provision states that “education shall be a right and a duty of all citizens” and the duty of the State to “promote the extension of education to professional and continuing vocational training, as well as equal access to the enjoyment of this right by all citizens”.  The Politica Nacional de Educação (National Education Policy) defines two strategic measures to achieve the educational objectives of special education: i) “Promotion of the principle of integration through awareness raising and mobilization of regular schools and communities toward integrated special education; and ii) Training of teachers, providing educational material and equipment and conception of flexible plans for children with special education needs”.

3 Law and Policy  Education Strategic Plan (ESP) (year) defines the following strategic actions to be taken in regards to education for children with special needs/disabilities:  Enrollment at the right age to guarantee retention up to grade 7;  Improve the curriculum of implementation;  Integrated teacher training and capacity building strategy. The Education System in Mozambique at primary level seems to combines two approaches, inclusion and specialized education. Although the practice suggests that the specialized and segregated system prevails dominantly.

4 Existing Infrastructure  At present, approximately 24,000 children with special educational needs are enrolled in primary schools. Their participation in secondary education is limited to just over 200 students.  There are 6 special schools (special education) in the city of Maputo and in the provinces of Sofala and Zambézia, that are also responsible for supporting inclusive schools. There are currently approximately 600 students enrolled in these schools. (National Strategic Plan).

5 Existing Infrastructure  Three Resource Centres for Inclusive Education (CREI) were created as reference laboratories for school inclusion processes and strategies. This is achieved through modular courses, teacher capacity building, mobilizing and sensitizing communities, among other actions. The Centres are multifunctional and are directed at the primary and secondary levels, covering areas of professional training and capacity building, diagnostic services and guidance, and production of materials, among others. (NSP: 2012 -2016)

6 Obstacles to Inclusive Education  Lack of credible data related with children with disabilities at school and out of school;  Misunderstanding of the concept of Inclusive Education, Special Education and Integration;  Lack of information (from communities and other stakeholders) and training;  Lack of adequate support special to families with a member with disability;  Absence of a comprehensive strategy on inclusive education;  Lack of teachers prepared to lead with children with disabilities, especially the deaf and the blind;  Inaccessible learning institutions for children with mobility limitations;  Lack of learning materials and equipment for children with visual impairments (books in Braille and computers with voice);  Lack of disability aids like wheel chairs and crutches to facilitate movement to and from school for children with physical disabilities;  Limited collaboration on the part of parents, school heads, teachers and the society at large given that many still believe that children with disabilities can not do anything.

7 Cont... Access to toilets – EPC - Macuvine  Accessibility is an issue of great concern - Including transportation.

8 Obrigado!

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