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Lifesaving Equipment.

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1 Lifesaving Equipment

2 LIFESAVING!!! Objectives
DETERMINE lifesaving equipment requirements for UTVs IDENTIFY EPIRB types and EXAMINE an EPIRB EXAMINE ring buoys and attachments EXAMINE PFDs IDENTIFY a work vest including appropriate use DIFFERENTIATE between types of PFD lights IDENTIFY various survival craft types and acceptability STATE distress signal requirements LIFESAVING!!!

3 Lifesaving Equipment Regulations
References: 46 CFR Parts , (EPIRB) and (Work vests) MSM Volume II, Chap C.2.H 46 CFR Parts 160, 161 (Q specs) 47 CFR 80 (FCC) NVIC (Immersion Suits) CG-543 Policy Letter (Excess Equipment) 46 CFR Part 199 (Sub W) and 185 (Sub T) NVIC 2-63 (Inspection and Repair of Lifesaving Equipment) NVIC (Extended Size/Adult PFDs for Children) NVIC 3-99 (EPIRB Requirements Under GMDSS)

4 Any Lifesaving Equipment Questions before we start?

5 Applicability of this lesson…
Vessels the UTV Bridging Program applies to Uninspected towing vessels 26 ft and over Under 300 GT (domestic) 500 GT-ITC (300 GT-ITC GMDSS)



8 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
What is an EPIRB? EPIRB’s are tracking transmitters which aid in the detection and location of boats, aircraft, and people in distress. 28,000 people since 1982 406 MHz transmit digital signals, identified almost instantly via COSPAS-SARSAT… 4 min A GPS position is encoded into the signal, providing both instantaneous identification and position. Within 100 m in over 70% of the globe. 47 CFR 


10 Who needs an EPIRB? 46 CFR 25.26 – 20(a)
SOLAS IV-7 thru IV-11 Vessels 36’ or more operating “High Seas” (or) Great Lakes beyond 3 NM from shore SOLAS- All “sea areas” Category I EPIRB

11 Less than 36 Feet - 46 CFR 25.26-20(b)
(1) A manually activated Category MHz EPIRB Installed in a readily accessible location at or near the principal steering station ***** Or ***** (2) A float –free, automatically activated Category MHz EPIRB ALSO… Vessels 36 ft and over which have a builders certification that vessel is constructed w/sufficient buoyant material to keep flooded vessel afloat Operates on high seas or beyond three miles from coastline of the Great Lakes



14 Volunteer?

15 EPIRB Examination Servicing per 25.26-50 Battery Date
NOAA Registration Operational Test- When? Proper Installation HAMMAR Release

16 Conflicting Messages NVIC 3-99 (GMDSS) MSM Vol II, Chp C.2
OCMIs shall ensure that EPIRB or GMDSS required equipment is properly installed aboard U.S. flag vessels… Operational testing of GMDSS equipment is not the responsibility of the Coast Guard. Many items, such as lifesaving equipment and firefighting equipment, are carried solely to perform a safety function. Marine Inspectors have the final responsibility for determining whether a piece of equipment complies with requirements and is suitable for its intended use.


18 Safety Notices ACR (early) RLB-23 mounting issues with magnetic switch (not saltwater activated) September ACR EPIRB antennae failures/corrosion July Registration of EPIRB and PLB October Reconditioned EPIRB batteries, insufficient voltage

19 Ring Life Buoy 46 CFR (d) One (1) required onboard vessels 26’ or greater Each ring must be type approved in accordance with

20 Volunteer?

21 What to inspect? Markings Stowage Condition 46 CFR 25.25-7

22 SOLAS Cargo Ship <100 m… 8 Evenly distributed on both sides
One with lifeline twice the height stowed or 30 m Not less than half with lights… 2 with smoke… not lifeline Marked with name of vessel

23 Floating Electric Water Light 46 CFR 161.010 (Q Specifications)
How many required? Lanyard? Length? Quick release device (clip) for water light? SOLAS?

24 Safety Notices September Water lights- batteries, lanyards, foam floatation missing, wrong bracket

25 Lifeline






31 Inspection of PFDs… MSM, Vol II, Section B.2.H
NVIC 02-63, Inspection/testing of lifesaving equip NVIC 01-08, Survival suits NVIC 03-10, SOLAS vessels Condition, inspection, float test, pull test, etc.

32 Volunteer?

33 New PFD Labels- 79 FR 56491 (October 22, 2014)
Current labeling with “TYPE (I, II, III) confusing to boaters WEARABLE THROWABLE Same standards of approval

34 Way ahead… PFDs tested to these standards still are assigned a type code, even if that type code is no longer required to be printed on the label. Expect a prolonged transition to a new label format, during which time both label formats would be present in the market Concentrate on: LIFE PRESERVER BUOYANT VEST BUOYANT DEVICE INFLATABLE COMMERCIAL PFD

35 Life Preservers and Other Lifesaving Equipment
46 CFR (b) UTV < 40’ in length Must have a PFD of suitable size for each person on board: Life Preserver (Type I) Buoyant Vest (Type II) Marine Buoyant Device(Type III) Used as per owner’s manual and conditions marked on the PFD Labeled for commercial vessel use (e) May be substituted by an immersion suit (f) May be substituted by a Type V commercial hybrid if worn while underway & intended wearer not in an enclosed space

36 Life Preservers and Other Lifesaving Equipment
46 CFR (c) UTVs 40’ and more in length Must have a Life Preserver (Type I) of suitable size for each person on board Used as per owner’s manual and conditions marked on the PFD Labeled for commercial vessel use (e) May be substituted by an immersion suit (f) May be substituted by a commercial hybrid

37 Off Shore Life Jacket (Type I)
46 CFR CFR CFR CFR Minimum 22 lbs floatation (adult) Reversible or Easily donned by 75% of people Quick adjustment (strap) Approval label Support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position, and shall provide support to the head so that the face of an unconscious or exhausted person is held above the water. … Orange –ish…(Indian Orange, International Orange, or Scarlet Munsell Red)


39 Buoyant Vest (Type II PFD)
46 CFR & Minimum15.5 lbs. of flotation (adult) Be arranged to hold the wearer in an upright or backward position with head and face out of water; Have no tendency to turn the wearer face downward in the water… 70-75% of floatation in chest


41 Marine Buoyant Device or Floatation Aid (Type III PFD)
46 CFR & Designed to be worn or thrown: Minimum 15.5 lbs. of flotation Shall be adjustable Shall contain fastenings…connect to a boat Shall provide for flotation of the wearer in an upright, slightly backward position in the water to as great a degree as is consistent with the special purpose intended, and in no case shall the device have a tendency to turn the wearer face downward…

42 TYPE III Approval Label
***Intended Use****

43 Immersion Suits 46 CFR 25.25-5(e)
Each vessel not carrying passengers for hire may substitute an immersion suit for a life preserver, buoyant vest, or marine buoyant device 46 CFR &


45 NVIC 01-08 Monthly shipboard inspection (inspected) or annually (uninspected) 3 year inflation testing More often for suits over 10 years age (consult manufacturer)

46 Volunteer?


48 Hybrid PFD’s Used as per owner’s manual and conditions marked on the PFD Labeled for commercial vessel use Type V- Worn while underway & intended wearer not in an enclosed space May also be substituted by an immersion suit (Types I-III) 46 CFR (f)

49 Hybrid PFD’s (Continued)
The hybrid PFD uses inflation in addition to the type of buoyant flotation material found in traditional PFDs. When fully inflated, a hybrid’s flotation performance is equivalent to that of a Type I, II, or III (the performance type will be marked on the label)… For hybrids using CO2 cartridges, the cartridges must be examined periodically (per manual).

50 Inflatable

51 Safety Notices June Wearing of PFDs during hazardous operations and situations December Lifejacket storage May Cal-June (Jim Buoy) Type I PFD snap hooks May PROSAR lifejacket light disapproval May APCO Type I PFDs waist strap length, brittle/insufficient foam, incorrect approval labels June Incorrect inflator installation on PFDs with bayonet type receivers; Mustang, Stearns, Protexion December Kent, Inc Type I PFD manufactured with waist strap threaded through D ring, catch hazard




55 Type V PFD - Work Vest 46 CFR 26.30 46 CFR 160.001 46 CFR 160.053
Intended for specific activities on specific groups of vessels Are not accepted in lieu of required PFDs Stowed separately from required PFDs Come in inflatable form “Risk of falling overboard”… (FR- barges) “Under favorable working conditions” 46 CFR 26.30 46 CFR 46 CFR Minimum 17.5 lbs buoyancy “Approved for use on merchant vessels as a work vest” Stenciled on front “Work Vest Only”


57 Type V required? 46 CFR 26.30-1 Carried under permissive authority
Must be approved type 46 CFR Not in lieu of required Working near/over water under FAVORABLE WORKING CONDITIONS!


59 PFDs on barges…79 FR 53621 Effective October 10, 2014
Spawned by change to CG Auth Act 2010 Added uninspected barges to list of applicable vessels under 46 CFR (a) by removing “carrying passengers for hire” so column 5 reads “all barges not covered by column(s) 3 (and 6)”

60 Uninspected barges? 46 CFR 25.25-5(b)(2)
Each vessel carrying passengers for hire, and each vessel not carrying passengers for hire and 40 feet in length or longer, must have at least one PFD approved under approval series , , or , and of a suitable size for each person on board.

61 Intermission

62 Markings 46 CFR

63 Lifesaving Equipment Storage 46 CFR 25.25-9

64 Appropriate storage? Work vests? Stowage on barges? Containers? PFDs
Survival suits

65 25.25–9 Storage (c) For a barge to which this subpart applies, the wearable lifesaving equipment specified in 46 CFR –5 need not be stored on board the barge if the barge’s operator stores it elsewhere, and ensures that each individual dons the equipment before boarding the barge and keeps it on for as long as the individual remains on board.

66 Lifesaving Equipment Condition
46 CFR – 11 All required lifesaving equipment in “serviceable” condition.

67 Personal Flotation Device Lights 46 CFR 25.25-13
CG approved (46 CFR ) Applies to vessels that engage in ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes voyages Each immersion suit, life preserver, marine buoyant device intended to be worn, and each buoyant vest must have PFD light Securely attached to the front shoulder area Replaced before expiration date Batteries must be replace on or before the expiration date Lights must be replaced when no longer serviceable

68 Light Types Check operation… Check batteries… Check water temp…
Check expiration date…

69 Retroreflective Material 46 CFR 25.25-15
(Q Specifications) Must be Type I retroreflective material for wearable devices Must have at least 31 sq. in. (200 sq. cm) Both front and back Type I PFD- inside and out Placed equally on the upper quadrant Close to the shoulder

70 Retroreflective Material 46 CFR 25.25-15
Type I Material Sewn-on Adhesive Type II Material Adhesive


72 Survival Craft 46 CFR Domestic- Not required on towing vessels, however must be serviceable if carried. SOLAS III/31- Less than 85m, 100% capacity liferaft on each side of vessel Device type rated by vessel voyage distance from shore

73 SOLAS also requires… Muster List… III/8 Instructions… III/9
Training, drills, records… III/18 Readiness, maintenance, inspections… III/20

74 Liferafts Not required Must be serviceable if carried.
What is serviceable? 46 CFR (Domestic Service) 46 CFR (SOLAS)

75 Solas “A” pack Ocean service beyond 50 miles from shore

76 SOLAS PACK “A” 46 CFR 160.151-21 Heaving line Jackknife Buoyant bailer
Sponge Sea anchors Paddles Tin openers First-aid kit Whistle Rocket parachute flares Hand held flares Buoyant smoke signals Electric Torch Radar reflector Signaling mirror Life saving signals Copy of life-signals (waterproof) Fishing tackle Food rations Drinking water Drinking cup Anti-Seasickness Medicine Survival Instructions Instructions for immediate action Thermal Protective aids Repair outfit Pump or bellows Plugs for pressure relief valves 46 CFR

77 SOLAS “B” pack 46 CFR 20-50 nm from shore

78 SOLAS PACK “B” 46 CFR 1 buoyant rescue life ring w/ 30m of buoyant line 1 safety knife (stored in the sponsons) 1 additional if capacity is over 13 persons 1 Buoyant bailer 2 Sponges Sea anchor Spare sea anchor 2 Buoyant Paddles First-aid Whistle Electric Torch Copy of life-signals (waterproof) Rocket parachute flares Buoyant smoke signals

79 Coast Service Inflatable Liferafts 46 CFR 160.051-9
Less than 20 nm from shore Rescue quoit and heaving line Knife Bailer Sponge Sea anchor Paddles Whistle Flashlight Signaling mirror Survival instructions Instructions for immediate action Repair outfit Pump or bellows Plugs for pressure relief valves

80 Inflatable Bouyant Apparatus
Less than 12 nm from shore Great Lakes voyages

81 NO MORE…. February 2016 Approval expires

82 Float Free Arrangement

83 Releases, Lifesaving Equipment, Hydraulic and Manual 46 CFR 160.062


85 Weak Link Serviceable Appropriate size Label attached Multiple rafts?

86 Releases, Lifesaving Equipment, Hydraulic and Manual 46 CFR 160.062

87 Skiff Though not required as a lifesaving component, a skiff may be a prime tool for rapid response (rescue boat). What does your RCP manual say? Excess Equipment?


89 Distress Signals 46 CFR 25.25-19 No requirement for towing vessels
33 CFR … All boats on the coastal waters of the United States… What is a “boat”? SOLAS? Cargo ships, 500 GT-ITC…. 12 rocket parachute NPRM- all towing vessels except 30 min LGA

90 Summary DETERMINE lifesaving equipment requirements for UTVs
IDENTIFY EPIRB types and DETERMINE applicability EXAMINE ring buoys IDENTIFY Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) EXAMINE immersion suits IDENTIFY work vests DETERMINE applicability of PFD lights DETERMINE survival craft requirements DETERMINE applicability of distress signals

91 Questions?

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