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Quarterly Partners Meeting HCA Midlands 11 Sept 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly Partners Meeting HCA Midlands 11 Sept 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly Partners Meeting HCA Midlands 11 Sept 2012

2 Agenda  Introduction and Midlands round up – Margaret Allen  The National Perspective – Pat Ritchie  Q&As  Spotlight: Walsall – Walsall MBC & Jessup  Spotlight: The Snowhill, Birmingham – Midland Heart  Networking

3 Midlands round-up

4 Targets

5 Overall programme performance spendTarget 2012/13 Forecast 2012/13 Actual @ 31/08/2012 % of Target Housing£167.8m£158.8m£43.7m26% Land£26.8m£24.0m£6.4m24% Decent Homes £37.7m £12.6m33% £232.3m£220.5m£62.7m27% Receipts£10.9m£16.8m£8.4m77%

6 Housing programmes Target 2012/13 Forecast 2012/13 Actual @ 31/08/2012 Actual % of Target NAHP£34.03m£42.94m£15.80m46% AHP£75.82m£59.86m £4.34m6% Mortgage Rescue £20.10m£15.23m£4.74m24% FirstBuy£27.00m£31.10m£12.7m47% Kickstart£10.84m£9.62m£6.03m56% SPEND SPEND SPEND!

7 Housing programme outputs Target 2012/13 Forecast 2012/13 Actual 31/08/2012 % of Target STARTS Rent3,6534,754 163 4% LCHO1,1081,308 29 3% COMPLETIONS Rent3,0463,444 657 21% LCHO93992117819% First buy 1,661 1,926 79541% Mortgage Rescue 238 257 8332%

8 Housing outcomes  Coventry - 67 Mixed tenure homes, Windmill Depot – Jephson  Dudley MBC - 72 homes LA New Build  Bromsgrove Perryfields – 84 rent 55 shared ownership and 19 intermediate rent - WM Housing and BDHT  Sandwell MBC - Opening of Bearwood Road Scheme  Edgbaston - Start on site for 22 homes - Midland Heart

9 Other programmes spend Target 2012/13 Forecast 2012/13 Actual @ 31/08/2012 % of Target Accelerated Land £4.2m £0.2m4% Economic Assets £9.5m£7.8m£3.5m37% Property & Regeneration £13.1m£12.0m£2.8m21% Decent Homes £37.7m £12.6m33%

10 Other programmes outputs Target 2012/13 Forecast 2012/13 Actual @ 31/08/2012 % of Target Employment floor space 76.992M 2 110.640M 2 82,175M 2 107% Brownfield land reclaimed 19.2Ha32.9Ha19.8Ha103% Private Sector Investment £368.6m£199.7m Jobs Potential 4,1493,688

11 Other outcomes  GBB1 contract Park Central Birmingham - Crest Nicholson  Telford Stewardship Agreement  i54 infrastructure – MOOG and Eurofins completed  Lawley Square & Village Pub start on site – Bournville Village Trust  Lightmoor Village Centre (Land acceleration & public land programmes)  Newcastle under Lyme – 127 homes at Lower Milehouse Lane – Kier and Aspire

12 Key messages

13 The national perspective Pat Ritchie

14 Contents  National viewpoint  Current delivery  Government housing announcements  Future spending review

15 National viewpoint  Strong delivery across HCA programmes in 2011/12  Implementing Housing Strategy: GBB, Firstbuy, Newbuy  Continuing to work with LEPs and cities to deliver local priorities for economic growth  Work on land assets through HCA land development and disposal plan and economic assets  Regulation creates: new challenges and opportunities  Housing market affected by recession and low access to capital  Government push via recent announcements recognises the contribution of housing market on economy

16  No. of loans in Q1 2012 down -12% on previous quarter, but up 18% on same time last year  Housing starts in Q2 2012 down -1% on previous quarter and completions down by -6% Sources: DCLG, CML National market context

17 Current delivery – AHP, Land and EAP  Affordable Housing Programme: –127 contracts signed - amounts to 88,043 units and £1.69bn funding –16 remaining: 15 LAs and 1 Developer –Corporate plan accelerates starts and spend to 2013/14  Land disposal –Last year disposed of land with capacity for over 3,000 units –Currently 28 sites on market totalling 123ha  Economic Assets  £540m portfolio includes i54 Wolverhampton, mixed of commercial, economic and housing sites

18  Get Britain Building –£570m fund of which £306m approved bids majority in contract by end Oct. Scheme will unlock up to 16,000 homes  Land auctions –Three pilots, two on HCA land (Hastings/West Lancs) one on MoD  Custom-build (including self build) –HCA sites included, £30m funding available  Clusters of Empty Homes: –20 schemes announced 29th May - Extra £10m brings total to £60m  Community Right to Build –Supporting local schemes and administering CRtB revenue fund Current delivery –Housing Strategy

19 Housing announcements  New housing minister  Extension of Firstbuy scheme: £280m to help extra 16,500  Private Rented and Affordable Housing Guarantees  £300m funding to support  Extra 15,000 homes  Extend existing empty homes scheme to provide 5,000 units

20 Land development  Support to unblock large scale stalled sites  Measures to accelerate development on public sector land  Role for Planning Inspectorate to assess viability of S106 agreements in early 2013

21 Next spending review: Focus on  Land and planning  Leverage  Finance  Demand

22 Conclusion  HCA focused on maintaining core delivery:  AHP, empty homes, custom build  Housing strategy  Land and economic assets  Alongside this we need to work with the sector to deliver the governments recent announcements: need to integrate range of interventions  Next Spending review sector has the opportunity to build on high profile and record of delivery

23 Notices and reminders  Next meeting – 3 December (venue TBC as we still hope to move venues around the patch for this meeting)  Rural Affordable Housing Day – 18 September, EMHA Coalville. Email  NHF Annual Conference and Social Housing Exhibition – 17-19 September, ICC Birmingham  Don’t forget to keep up to date on HCA in the Midlands at or follow us on twitter hca_uk

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