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I’m Fine…..that’s all that matters 1. Why do we study Geography?????? Population Growth Religion Culture Economies Interaction with the Environment Ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m Fine…..that’s all that matters 1. Why do we study Geography?????? Population Growth Religion Culture Economies Interaction with the Environment Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m Fine…..that’s all that matters 1

2 Why do we study Geography?????? Population Growth Religion Culture Economies Interaction with the Environment Ideas Stereotypes Poverty Language Customs Family Structure Political Systems Disease Movement RegionLocation Place Societies Human Rights 2

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4 Lori Put Her Ear In My Root-beer.

5 Before we can begin to study geography, we must understand some basic themes…The Five Themes of Geography. The First Theme: Location Where is it? 4

6 Two types of Location Absolute Location – exact place on Earth where a geographic feature is found Relative Location – describes a place in relation to another place 5

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8 Now in your foldable transfer the definitions, and then add an example or two of each type. Next create a visual representation of each. Don’t be lazy….quality work = quality grade 6

9 The Second Theme: Place What is it like? 8

10 Place – includes the physical features and cultural characteristics of a location 9

11 Now in your foldable transfer the definition of place, and then add an example or two. Next create visual representation/s of place. Don’t be lazy….quality work = quality grade 10

12 16 GVI

13 The Third Theme: Human – Environment Interaction- How do humans interact with their Environment? 17

14 Human-Environment Interaction – the relationship between humans and their environment 18

15 Now in your foldable transfer the definition of human-environment interaction. Next add an example or two. Next create visual representation/s of H-E-I. Don’t be lazy….quality work = quality grade 19

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17 The Fourth Theme: Movement- How do people, goods, and ideas get around? 21

18 Movement – the movement of people, goods, and ideas from one place to another 22

19 Now in your foldable transfer the definition of movement. Next add an example or two. Next create visual representation/s of movement. Don’t be lazy….quality work = quality grade 23

20 The Fifth Theme: Region – How are places similar or different? 12

21 Region – an area of the earth’s surface with similar characteristics 13

22 Region cont. 14 Formal – defined by a limited number of shared characteristics Functional – organized around a set of interactions and connections between places Perceptual – people perceive or see a region in the same way

23 Now in your foldable transfer the definition of region, and then add an example or two. Next create visual representation/s of region. Don’t be lazy….quality work = quality grade 15

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