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By: Sean Giles.  CDU was made in 1966 I medicinal school like if you wont to be a nacre or a doctor.  believe it or not it was fire called Drew university.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sean Giles.  CDU was made in 1966 I medicinal school like if you wont to be a nacre or a doctor.  believe it or not it was fire called Drew university."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sean Giles

2  CDU was made in 1966 I medicinal school like if you wont to be a nacre or a doctor.  believe it or not it was fire called Drew university of medicine and science but now it’s called canals drew university of medicine and science.

3  If you would go to this historically black colleges you will try to be a doctor or a nonce.

4  DR.M.ROY Wilson is the chairman of the board of trustees at Charles R. Drew University of medicine and science.

5  r9_E r9_E

6  About one-third of los Angeles country’s minority doctors was trained at Charles Drew University, and graduate from the college of medicine have been more likely by a wide margin.

7  The 11-acre campus includes a day care facility, elementary school, high-school, biomedical library, central administration, educational & learning resources, (basic, clinical and population-based research facilities

8  This college dose not have a spot

9  There is a non-refundable application- processing fee of $75. Tuition is $750 per unit and can be paid by credit card or check is made payable to Charles Drew University.

10  Enrollment is 356

11  This school is CALIFORNIA

12  This college has three major heath and science and nursing

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