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EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water-Column Observatory Paolo Favali on behalf of the EMSO Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water-Column Observatory Paolo Favali on behalf of the EMSO Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water-Column Observatory Paolo Favali on behalf of the EMSO Consortium

2 EMSO Research Infrastructure EMSO EMSO is the European Research Infrastructure of fixed seafloor and water- column observatories constituting a technologically advanced, distributed infrastructure for long-term monitoring of marine environmental processes EMSO EMSO provides power, communications, sensors, and data infrastructure for continuous, high resolution, (near) real-time, interactive ocean observations EMSO EMSO supports a truly multi-and inter-disciplinary range of research areas including biology, geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and computer science, from polar to tropical environments, down to the abyss EMSO The data generated in EMSO address multivariate questions over different space and time scales, overcoming the traditional approach of focusing on single data streams

3 Present implementation status 4 test sites active (3 cabled) presently 11 nodes 9 operating nodes (cabled and autonomous) Koljö Fjord OBSEA MeDON Molène SmartBay

4 International Dimension Ocean Networks Canada DONET Japan IMOS Australia MACHO Taiwan ECSSOS China OOI United States

5 ** 10 Signatory Countries: Italy, Greece, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands Step 1 Step 2 Italian Ministry Letter to the Funding Agencies August 2012 MoU Signature process ** August 2012 - July 2013 Interim Office establishment ERIC Official Application submission October 2015 ERIC Official Application submission December 2013 ERIC Application review process Next months ERIC Application review process April 2014 - February 2015 ERIC APPROVAL Expected by early 2016 Towards EMSO ERIC* (application to EC) * ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)  Indipendent Legal Entity (International body)

6 10 Countries confirmed: Italy (coordinator) (JRU)^ Greece (HCMR)^ United Kingdom (NERC-NOCS)^ France (IFREMER, CNRS, IPGP)^ Spain (CSIC, PLOCAN)^ Portugal (IPMA)^ Romania (GeoEcoMar)^ Ireland (MI) ^ Germany (KDM)+ The Netherlands (NIOZ)+ Planned participation: Norway (NRC) Turkey (TUBITAK) Sweden (UGOT) Participating Countries to EMSO ERIC The participation is open to other Countries ^  Full Member (8 countries) +  Observer (2 countries)

7 Cross collaborations with other ESFRI RIs, such as: EMBRC, EPOS, EURO- ARGO, ICOS, KM3NeT, LIFEWATCH and SIOS Cooperation with all ESFRI Environmental RIs in the EU project ENVRIplus Participation in many EU projects (e.g., FixO 3, MARsite, INDIGO, ATLANTOS, NEXOS, JERICO-NEXT, EMSODEV) Links with other EU initiatives (e.g., EUROFLEETS-2, SeaDataNet, EMODnet) Contacts and exchanges with sister research infrastructure initiatives (COOPplus):  ONC - Ocean Networks Canada (Canada)  OOI - Ocean Observatories Initiative (USA)  DONET - Dense Oceanfloor Network for Earthquakes & Tsunamis (Japan)  IMOS - Integrated Marine Observing System (Australia)  ECSSOS - East China Sea Seafloor Observation System (China)  MACHO - MArine Cable Hosted Observatory (Taiwan) Cooperation and co-investment with industry (e.g., oil & gas, renewable energy, deep-sea mining, fisheries) Europe/Global Links to Major International Initiatives

8 EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module VariableGeosciencesPhysical OceanographyBiogeochemistryMarine Ecology TemperatureXXXX ConductivityXXXX PressureXXXX Dissolved O 2 XXXX TurbidityXXXX Ocean currentsXXXX Passive acousticsXX Core variables captured by the EGIM and their cross-disciplinary application EGIM EMSO Generic Instrument Module is envisioned to ensure increased coordination, integration and standardisation across sites and discipline H2020 EMSOdev project (Coord. INGV - 4.4 M€)

9 Res.Infrastructures/e-Infrastructures The Ris continue to be data provider also validating the data in terms of quality and significance The Ris have not to proceed separately “inventing” their own systems, but it is mandatory to be inserted in the e-infrastructure layer that provides access and services (what is in common and especially what is peculiar) The magic word is “integration” all the components, in-situ, earth observation have to be used in an integrated manner to answer to complex questions. For instance in the marine domain the long-term future perspective is EOOS (European Ocean Observing System) that aims to integrate seafloor, water-column, coastal and open ocean, Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches, interfaces (seabed/water, seasurface/atmosphere), in-situ and EO observations

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