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Published byJared Simon Modified over 9 years ago
Basic Conditions and Key Points of INTERREG IVC Interregional Cooperation in Europe INTERREG IVC Programme 2007 - 2013
Programme’s Characteristics INTERREG Programmes Overall Objective Structure Priorities Main Characteristics of the Types of Interventions Regional Initiative Projects Capitalisation Projects Co-financing Partnership Eligible Institutions / Organisations Lead Partner Principle Provisional Time Frame Structure First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 2
Project Activities Project Components Monitoring Project Activities Outputs and Results Indicators Budget Cost Budgeting Eligible Costs / Budget Lines Reporting Project Application Necessary Documents Co-financing Statement Project Time Plan Selection Criteria Structure First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 3
4 Structural Funds Policies 2007 - 2013 Objective 1: Convergence match high performance and developing regions Objective 2: Regional Competitiveness and Employment implement Lisbon and Gothenburg targets modernise regional and local development Objective 3: European Territorial Cooperation transfer best practices to regions wishing to improve Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 5 INTERREG C ≠ INTERREG A & B Key elements: Link to regional / local policies Exchange of experiences Identification and / or transfer of good practices INTERREG IVC ≠ implementation programme INTERREG IVC ≠ research & development programme Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 6 1 Programme for 27 Member States + CH + NOR INTERREG IVC is a ’Capitalisation’ Programme, focusing on the identification, analysis and dissemination and transfer of good practices by public authorities in order to improve the effectiveness of regional and local policies. Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 7 INTERREG IIIC versus IVC INTERREG IIIC 315 MEUR ERDF Cofinancing up to 50% (75% for Objective 1 Regions) Four programmes: 4 Managing, 4 Paying and 4Audit Authorities 4 JTS All themes of regional and local public activities Three types of operations INTERREG IVC 321 MEUR Cofinancing 75/85 % b One programme: 1Managing, 1 Certifying and 1 Audit Authority 1 JTS in Lille and 4 Information Points in Rostock, Katowice (with support from Vienna), Valencia and Lille Focus on Lisbon and Gothenburg Agendas 2 types of interventions Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 8 Overall Objective of INTERREG IVC Improve the effectiveness of regional development policies Contribute to economic modernisation and increased competitiveness of Europe … by… Enabling exchange of experiences and knowledge Matching less experienced with more advanced regions Ensuring transfer of identified good practice into mainstream programmes Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 9 Programme Priorities Priority 1: Innovation and Knowledge Economy (177 M€ ERDF / 55%) Innovation, Research & Technology Development Entrepreneurship and SMEs Information Society Employment, Human Resources and Education Priority 2: Environment and Risk Prevention (125 M€ ERDF / 39%) Energy and Sustainable Transport Biodiversity and Preservation of Natural Heritage Natural and Technological Risks Water & Waste Management Cultural Heritage and Landscape Priority 3: Technical Assistance (19 M€ ERDF / 6%) Programme’s Characteristics
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 10 Types of Interventions Regional Initiatives projects Exchange of experience and good practice, development of tools and instruments of regional policies Capitalisation projects, including Fast Track projects Capitalisation projects: optimise results achieved, transfer of good practices identified into main stream programmes Fast Track projects: Specific European Commission assistance and expertise offered to certain capitalisation projects with reference to the Regions for Economic Change (RFEC)” initiative Aim: detailed action plan to transfer best practices identified into mainstream programmes Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 11 Type 1 ‘Regional Initiative Projects’ Definition & Main Characteristics Cooperation projects between partners on a shared regional policy issue within the two thematic priorities of the programme ‘Classic’ type of interregional cooperation projects Intensity of cooperation from networking activities to intensive joint implementation, to mini-programmes Regardless of this intensity, 2 requirements for all projects: -Specific focus on exchange of experience / identification of good practices in the policy area tackled by the project -Necessity to deliver concrete outputs (e.g. good practice guide) Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 12 Type 1 ‘Regional Initiative Projects’ Overview of Recommendations Size of Partnership Basic level: min of 8 to max of 20 partners Minimum requirement: partners from at least 3 countries from which two have to be from EU-MS and financed under IVC Duration Up to 36 months Budget Min ERDF: EUR 500,000 / Max ERDF: EUR 5 million Average Volume: EURO 2 million Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 13 Intensity of Co-operation, Activities and Results Intensity of cooperationExample of activitiesExpected results Basic Exchange and dissemination of experience Thematic seminars, Study visits Exchanges of staff Conferences Web sites, newsletters, brochures Production of good practice guides New knowledge and skills Possible improvement of regional / local policies and strategies Medium Exchange and dissemination of experience + transfer of practices / development of new approaches In addition to ‘example 1’ activities: Pilot experimentations (for instance in the context of a transfer of practice) Development of regional policy tools (methodologies, software) In addition to ‘example 1’ results: Successful transfer of practices between partners Direct improvement of regional/local policies and strategies High Exchange and dissemination of experience + joint development of new approaches (mini programme) In addition to examples 1 and 2 activities: Development of sub-projects In addition to ‘examples 1 and 2’ results: Improvements of policies / strategies at the sub-projects’ level No preferences will be given to projects with a particular level of intensity of cooperation during the assessment process Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 14 Capitalisation Contribute to optimising the results achieved in a specific domain of regional policy Consist of the collection, analysis, dissemination and transfer of good practices Preferably transfer of the good practises identified into the Structural Funds mainstream programmes Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 15 Nature of Proposed Activities Under INTERREG IVC, local implementations will be possible only if the following 3 criteria are respected: Relevance to the programme Interregionality criterion e.g. transfer from one region to another Additionality criterion Activities would not be supported without the INTERREG support Types of Interventions
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 16 ERDF Co-financing Rate for Partners The ERDF amount will be matched with national co-financing Up to 75% for partners coming from the following Member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK. Up to 85% for partners coming from the following Member States: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. Partners from Norway and Switzerland can make use of the respective allocations of Norwegian Swiss funding in the programme The other partners can participate in INTERREG IV at their own costs Co-financing
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 17 Who Can Apply / Partners INTERREG IVC is dedicated to public authorities and bodies governed by public law Bodies governed by public law (Directive 2004/18/EC, Art.1) a)meeting needs in general interest, no industrial or commercial character b)having legal personality c)financed for the most part by the State, regional or local authorities or other bodies governed by public law or subject to management supervision of these bodies or having administrative, managerial or supervisory board more than half of whose members are appointed by these bodies INTERREG IVC operations can only involve contributing partners. It is not possible to participate with an “observer” status. Partnership
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 18 Lead Partner Principle 1 Lead Partner for each project Forming link between project and JTS/MA Responsibility for management, communication, implementation and co-ordination of activities among involved partners Full administrative and financial responsibility Bears legal responsibility and liability for the whole partnership To ensure tasks, Lead Partner has to appoint or sub-contract a coordinator, responsible for organisation of project’s work a financial manager, in charge of accounts, financial reporting and internal handling of ERDF funds and national co-financing Partnership
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 19 Provisional Time Frame Autumn 2008expected opening of second call Winter 2008/09Deadline for submission of project proposals Spring 2009Approval of first project proposals Projects should be ready to start implementation within 2 month following the date of approval Time Table
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 20 Project Components Logical organisation of Project Activities into Components with 2 Focuses: Implementation-related (e.g. Management and coordination, Communication and dissemination) Content-related (e.g. Exchange of experience) Components are NOT determined by chronology of activities or location Minimum of 3 Components (pre-defined) Maximum of 5 Components + Component “Preparation-activities” Compulsory Project Time Plan Component work runs parallel Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 21 Project Components Pre-defined: Components 1 and 2: “Implementation Related” Management and Coordination Communication and Dissemination (+Website Development) Components 3: “Content-related” Exchange of experiences (Content of the Website) Component “Preparation activities” Not pre-defined: Components 4 and 5 are free to use Activities should be complementing and must not overlap with activities in Components 1-3 Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 22 Component “Preparation Activities” Approved Projects can receive funding for preparation costs, such as: Development of the Project idea and partner search Meetings with Project partners Completion of the Application From Participation in INTERREG IVC Partner search forum, Lead Applicant seminar, individual consultation with members of the Joint Technical Secretariat and/or with the Information Points. Preparation costs are: subject to ceiling of EUR 30.000, only eligible if incurred between 1st January 2007 and submission date of Application Form to be paid out before they are reported to be proofed according to accounting requirements of INTERREG IVC programme Keep all your Bills! Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 23 Component 1 “Management and Coordination” Activities necessary to run an INTERREG IVC project Management and coordination costs should not exceed 20% of overall budget List of indicative activities: Finalisation and conclusion of the partnership agreement Preparation of progress reports Organisation of Steering Committee meetings Monitoring and control of the incurred expenditure Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 24 Component 2 “Communication and Dissemination” Dissemination of project activities and achievements to relevant stakeholders outside the project (e.g. policy makers at the local, regional, national and European levels) List of indicative activities: Publication and dissemination of joint leaflets / brochures / newsletters Organisation of joint launch and closing conferences Development of the project’s web site Organisation of press conferences Dissemination of project outputs (good practice guides, policy recommendations, etc.) Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 25 Component 3 “Exchange of Experience” Core Component of INTERREG IVC “exchange of experience dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices” Identification and exchange of good practices developed by the partners Organisation of activities to ensure efficient exchange of experience amongst partners Production of a concrete document and follow up of these exchanges, providing a comprehensive summary of results of the exchange of policy experiences (e.g. good practice guides, case study collections or policy recommendations paper) Containing detailed information on relevant practices identified during the exchange of experiences; descriptions of main lessons learnt from these practices. Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 26 Component 3 “Exchange of Experience” List of indicative activities: Organisation of joint thematic seminars / workshops / conferences Organisation of study / site visits Organisation of staff exchanges Organisation of joint interregional ‘training’ sessions Production of joint thematic surveys / studies Production of case studies / good practice guides / policy recommendations / strategic guidelines Development of action plans Project Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 27 Outputs and Results Usefulness and efficiency of interregional cooperation has to be clearly demonstrated! Outputs (Quantified term: tangible deliverables) Report on WHAT the main “products” are Measured in physical units, e.g. number of seminars, site visits, conferences, participants, publications, good practices identified, or policies addressed Results (Qualified term: effects resulting from project and production of outputs) Report on WHY the project is delivering a specific output Measured in physical units, e.g. number of staff with increased capacity {new knowledge and skills}, number of improved regional or local policies Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 28 Outputs and Results Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 29 Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level 1/ Contribution to the Programme’s objectives 1.1/ Objective: Exchange of experience and improvement of capacities and knowledge of regional and local stakeholders in particular by matching less experienced regions with regions with more experience Output indicators No. of interregional events organised by operations to exchange experience No. of participants in these interregional events Result Indicators No. of staff members with increased capacity (awareness / knowledge / skills) resulting from the exchange of experience at interregional events No. of action plans developed by Objective ‘Convergence’ regions further to the lessons learnt from ‘Objective Competitiveness’ regions Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 30 1.2/ Objective: Identification, sharing and transfer of good practices into regional policies and into EU Structural Funds mainstream programmes Output indicators No. of good practices identified by Regional Initiative Projects No. of good practices already identified and made available to regional and local actors involved in Capitalisation Projects Result indicators No. of good practices successfully transferred within Regional Initiative Projects No. of action plans developed under Capitalisation Projects Amount of mainstream funds (Cohesion/ERDF/ESF) dedicated to the implementation of good practices coming from Capitalisation Projects Monitoring of Activities Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 31 1.3/ Objective: Improvement of regional and local policies Output indicators No. of regional/local policies and instruments addressed in the field tackled by the project Result indicators No. of regional/local policies and instruments improved in the field tackled by the project Monitoring of Activities Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 32 Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level 2/ General performance of projects 2.1/ Management and coordination Output indicator Average number of steering committee meetings organised by operations per year Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 33 Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level 2.2/ Dissemination Output indicators No. of press releases disseminated No. of brochures (no. of issues created, not no. of copies printed or disseminated) No. of copies of brochures disseminated No. of newsletters (no. of issues created, not no. of copies printed or disseminated) No. of copies of newsletters disseminated No. of dissemination events organised No. of other events participated in (with presentations/stands about the operation activities) Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 34 Pre-defined Indicators at Programme Level 2.2/ Dissemination Result indicators No. of articles/appearances published in the press and in other media Estimated no. of participants in events (organised and participated in) Average no. of visits per month to an operation’s website Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 35 Optional Self-defined Indicators Definition of own output and result indicators Indicators must be meaningful and measurable Clear distinction between output and result indicators Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 36 Optional Self-defined Indicators Example of project : Water management with a particular focus on flood prevention Output indicators Number of river basins ad-dressed within the project Number of comparative survey(s) on the number and characteristics of recent floods in the participating regions Number of flood awareness campaigns that are analysed within the project Result indicators Number of new projects dedicated to water management resulting from the exchange of experience Number of new river basin management plans initiated through the cooperation Number of new tools developed for flood awareness campaigns Monitoring of Activities
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 37 Monitoring of Activities Screen Shot of Application Form
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 38 Budget 1.Agreement on project content 2.Construction of project time plan, definition of activities by component, their duration and of outputs 3.Identification of partners involved in carrying out determined activities by component Identification of resources needed by each partner to complete activities Approximation of related cost and forecast of payment date Reorganisation of these figures by budget line Budget !!! Shared Costs (e.g. website design, catering, conference organisation): Each partner should check beforehand that their controllers agree with the foreseen shared costs!
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 39 Budget Lines / Eligible Costs Staff Administration Travel and Accommodation Equipment External Expertise and Services; comprising experts’ staff, administration + travel, equipment costs if applicable Preparation costs (up to EUR 30.000; only eligible for approved projects) There will be no advanced payment, only reimbursements of eligible expenditures ! for personnel employed directly by partners in AF Budget
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 40 Reporting Subdivision of Project in 6-month periods Each period: Submission of progress report consisting of: Activity part Financial part Budget
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 41 Budget Screen Shot of Application Form
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 42 Budget Screen Shot of Application Form
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 43 Project Application 2nd Call will most probably not differ much from 1 st guidelines for 1st call still adequate The application should be developed in close cooperation with the future partners Programme language is English only Application Pack: Application Form (EXCEL-Document) Co-financing statements from all partners Project time plan Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 44 Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 45 Project Time Plan Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 46 Eligibility Criteria Submission of Application Form in time The Application is complete including: - Application Form (EXCEL-Document) - Co-financing statements from each partner - Project time plan Duly and fully filled in Application Co-financing statements printed on letter headed paper- stamped- signed and dated Sum stated corresponds to amount indicated in Application Form At least 3 Partners from at least 2 EU Member States Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 47 Quality Criteria Based on 2 types of selection criteria: ‘content related’ criteria ‘implementation related’ criteria Criteria must be fulfilled as much as possible, due to stiff competition! Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 48 Content Related Criteria Criterion 1: Relevance of the proposal Contribution to main objective of the Programme (i.e. improvement of the effectiveness of regional / local policies) Clear link between project theme and Programme priorities Clearly interregional activities Clear focus on the exchange of experience building on experiences of partners Clear contribution to Lisbon / Gothenburg agendas Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 49 Content Related Criteria Criterion 2: Coherence of the proposal Clearly defined and meaningful objectives and expected effects (outputs and results) Logical interrelation of issues, objectives and expected effects Rationality of proposed approach and methodology Clear and coherent work plan - Precisely defined activities and outputs - Correspondence of activities with objectives and expected effects - Logical links between components - No overlapping activities between project components Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 50 Content Related Criteria Criterion 3: Quality of the results Precise (specified and quantified) and clear (visible and measurable) outputs/results Sufficient planned information and publicity measures Results need to be innovative and bring clear added value compared to other current or past initiatives Clear demonstration of project’s impact on partner’s policies Clear and convincing provisions to ensure the durability of the project’s results Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 51 Implementation Related Criteria Criterion 4: Quality of management Functioning management and coordination procedures Clear management structure/transparent decision-making and monitoring procedures Clearly explained day-to-day management procedures Rational financial procedures Lead Partner’s experience in project management Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 52 Implementation Related Criteria Criterion 5: Quality of partnership Involvement of relevant partners for solving the defined problem Eligibility of partner’s position to directly influence their regional policies / strategies Commonality of tackled issue to all partners Balanced financial contribution between partners / Or if not, justification in project’s Arrangements Geographical coverage of the partnership beyond cross-border or transnational cooperation programmes Mix between well experienced and less experienced partners Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 53 Implementation Related Criteria Criterion 6: Budget and Finances Demonstration of value for money / Reasonable budget compared to planned activities and number of partners involved Logical distribution of budget between budget lines and Components Reasonable allocation of budget to management and coordination tasks (Component 1) Financial arrangements need to reflect planned activities Realistic and coherent six-monthly payment forecast Justified level and nature of “External expertise and services” costs Budgeted equipment costs (e.g. IT equipment) must clearly benefit the partnership Project Application
First Partner Meeting Munich 8 th of April 2008 European Urban Landscape Partnership INTERREG IVC bid 54 Assistance to Applicants FAQ Project Feedback form Individual Consultations Lead Applicant Seminars Thank you for your attention! Reference Documents Operational Programme Programme Manual Application Pack
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