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Harvesting the Fruits of Your Classroom Cultivating Learning Styles in a Differentiated Classroom Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

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Presentation on theme: "Harvesting the Fruits of Your Classroom Cultivating Learning Styles in a Differentiated Classroom Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harvesting the Fruits of Your Classroom Cultivating Learning Styles in a Differentiated Classroom Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Illinois Reading Council Conference Fall 2014 Presentation By: Mrs. Christy Ziller Wilmington Middle School Wilmington, Il

2 “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” – Ignacio Estrada

3 If the Shoe Fits… How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Carolyn Chapman

4 Nurturing Intelligences: A Guide to Multiple Intelligences Theory and Teaching by: Brian A. Haggerty

5 Charlotte Danielson - Evidence  Component 3a: Communicating with Students  Backward Design Model  Presentation of materials in a clear manner  Sequence Graphic Organizers  Concepts Maps

6 Charlotte Danielson - Evidence  Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques  Open-ended Questioning  Text-Dependent Questioning  Question Frames  Turn-To-Your-Partner Activity  Think-Write-Pair Share Activity

7 Charlotte Danielson - Evidence  Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning  I Used to Think…But Now I Know  Collaborative Strategic Reading  Comparison Organizers  Pattern Organizers  Small Group Strategies  Visualizing Strategies  Summarizing Strategies  Information Organizers  Informal /Formal Writing

8 Charlotte Danielson - Evidence  Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction  Observations  Conversations  Student Self-Evaluations  Artifacts of Learning  Analysis  Formative Assessment Tools

9 Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness  Special Education  Individualized Learning

10 Unit of Study to Inventory My Classroom

11 Lesson 1 Day 1: Learning About M.I.

12 Power Point with Foldable

13 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Bodily/Kinesthetic

14 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Visual/Spatial

15 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Musical/ Rhythmic

16 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Verbal/ Linguistic

17 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Interpersonal

18 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Naturalistic

19 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Intrapersonal

20 Lesson 2: Day 2 and 3 – Centers Mathematical/Logic

21 PMI – Positive, Minus, and Intriguing

22 3-2-1 Assessment

23 Lesson 3: Day 4 Mapping Our Strengths

24 Reflection Questions  How can teachers make improvements to their teaching now that you are aware of multiple intelligences and your personal strengths as a learner?  What recommendations would you make to our school administration to strengthen student achievement as it pertains to learning styles?

25 Lesson 4: Day 5 and 6 Analysis of Non-Fiction Text



28 Lesson 5: Day 7 Text Dependent Questions about Informational Text

29 Lesson 6: Day 8, 9, and 10 Biography and Autobiography Using Mentor Text How We Are Smart by: W. Nikola-Lisa (Student Example)

30 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Verbal/Linguistic  Computers  Dramatic readings  Cooperative learning  Peer teaching  Graphic organizers  Games  films

31 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Musical/Rhythmic  Establish a musical environment  Create curriculum songs  Create raps, songs, jingles, cheers, and poems  Create musical mnemonics  Practice unison recall  Allow background noises and music  Create dances that illustrate concepts

32 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Logical/mathematical  Puzzles  Patterns and their relationships  Analogies  Timelines; outlines  Computers  Categorizing facts and information  Challenging tasks

33 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Visual/Spatial  Variety of art materials  Camera  Graphic-rich environment  Posters, charts, graphics, and pictures  Illustrations, sketches, drawings, and painting  Use of overhead or Elmo  Props  Color coding system

34 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Bodily/Kinesthetic  Field trips  Centers  Labs  Outdoor education  Use of manipulative  Sports/games  Frequent stretching/excercising  projects

35 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Intrapersonal  Problem solving  Goal setting  Journals  Metacognition  Independent learning times  Silent reflection time  Imagery exercising  Independent assignments  Self-discovery

36 Other Ways To Develop M.I. Interpersonal  Think-pair-share  Cooperative tasks  Jigsaw  Group tasks: comic strips, songs, poems, or collages  Physical activities such as games

37 Contact Information  Mrs. Christy Ziller  B.A. Elementary Education, M.S. Reading  7 th grade Wilmington Middle School  Wilmington School District 209-U  E-mail:

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