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By: Joseph Mathis A cockroach can live how long without it’s head?  Cockroaches can live for weeks without they're heads.  They need there heads to.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Joseph Mathis A cockroach can live how long without it’s head?  Cockroaches can live for weeks without they're heads.  They need there heads to."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Joseph Mathis

3 A cockroach can live how long without it’s head?  Cockroaches can live for weeks without they're heads.  They need there heads to breath because they breath through there body.  They can go weeks without eating because they are cold-blooded.

4 What shape are owl eyeballs?  Owls don’t have eyeballs. There eyes are long and tube shaped.

5 About how fast can dragonflies fly.  The top speed for a dragonfly is between 30 and 60 km/h (19 to 38 m.p.h.).

6 A female mackerel lays about how many eggs at one time?  A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.

7 Baby beavers are called what?  Baby beavers are called kits, or kittens.

8 What is the animal that never gets sick?  The shark is the only animal believed to be immune to every disease, even cancer.

9 It takes a lobster how long to be a pond long?  On average it takes a lobster about six years to grow to weigh one pound.

10 A polecat is not really a cat? What is it.  The polecat is actually in the weasel family.

11 A Cornish game hen is really the young of what sort of bird.  Specifically a Cornish chicken although often crossed with other breeds.  Despite the name they are not a “game bird” (hunted) but a domestic breed.  They are not necessarily hens as both male and female chickens are served.

12 On average a pig lives how long.  Ten years is the average life span for a pig.  By then there bacon or there life is done.  So, ENJOY THE MUD PIGGYS!



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