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Effective Public Speaking

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1 Effective Public Speaking
Chapter#6 Developing Ideas Finding and Using Supporting Materials

2 What to Look For: Forms Of Supporting Materials
Speakers regularly use five types of supporting materials: Explanations A description that makes a concept or idea clear and acceptable. (what, How, Why?) Comparisons and Contrasts An analogy that connects something already known or believed with the ideas .(similarities)

3 Contrasts it helps to clarify a complex situation of focusing on differences. Examples and Narratives Statistics and Testimony statistics are numbers that show relationship between or among process relationship that can emphasize size or magnitude.

4 Explanations: An Explanation is a description that makes a term, concept , process or proposal clear or acceptable. Explanations tell “ what, How, Why” and show the relationship between a whole and its parts. Explanations must be presented clearly. Explanations are helpful in setting up an understanding of a concept or idea or practice, Explanations give an idea that what some thing means and how something is done.

5 Comparisons and Contrasts:
A comparison is an analogy that connects something already known or believed with ideas a speaker wishes to have understood or accepted. Contrasts: A contrast helps to clarify a complex situation or process by focuses on differences.

6 Examples and Narratives:
An illustration which describes the a concept, condition or circumstances is known as example. Examples are in a short form. Narratives: Narratives are in a story form. Some illustrations and narratives are hypothetical (made up), other are factual based.

7 Statistics: Statistics are the numbers that shows relationship between or among phenomena. Statistics clarify complex aspects of ideas to the listeners. e.g: ¾ (75%) of all central university students come from state. 60% of all central university students major in business: 25% are in humanities,15% are in fine arts.

8 Testimony(quote): When speaker cite the opinions or conclusions of others, then it is known as testimony. Testimony sometimes merely adds weight, clarity to an idea.

9 Sources Of Supporting Materials
Materials that supports to speaker: Electronic World (Adds ) Electronic Card Catalog Most of university libraries have a computerized search system for their holdings and also for journals and magazines in general. Data can be access from the above card catalog data base system.

10 CD-ROM : compact disk (CD) is a technological device that can be use to store the computer data. CD hold much more data or information than floppy disks. World Wide Web (URL): www is a system of information superhighway allowing everyone to access information electronically from around the globe. Uniform Resource Locator(URL) is the address of some site.

11 The Print World: Data or Information can also be gather from printed media. some of the printed medias are: Newspapers Magazines Yearbooks and Encyclopedias Reports Books and Biographical Dictionaries

12 The Face to Face World Data or Information can also be obtain with the help of face to face methodology by conducting interviews with the people . Conducting Informal Interviews: The goal of informal interview is to obtain answers to specific questions.

13 General Guidelines For Planning An Interview
Decide the specific purpose. Structure the interview in advance. Interview must be Interactive.

14 Communication skills for Interviewers
A good Interviewer is a good listener: Interviewer take care to understand what some one is saying and interpret the significance of their comments. A good Interviewer is Open: Interviewer should be frank and Open. A good Interviewer having the sense of mutual respect and trust.

15 Surveys and Questionnaires
You can collect information by asking a number of your friends what they think about an issue or by developing a more formal survey or questionnaire. Guidelines to make Questionnaire: Purpose should be clear and explain Focus on specific points Use close questions as well.

16 Use of simple and easy language
Easy to understand Avoid phrases

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